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If Alleged DOJ Misconduct Is True, A Judge Could Dismiss The Whole Case Against Trump

The conduct claimed is perhaps unprecedented and certainly flagrant. If proven true, the judge would be well within her rights to consider dismissal.
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Budwick · 70-79, M
I hope the authorities bring justice to the ones responsible for any misconduct.

That WOULD be a first! But I agree.
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What alleged misconduct? This is extremely vague. Do you have a source?
@carpediem They will find him guilty for the simple reason that he is guilty. And I also believe that even though the evidence against him will be incontrovertible, you will nonetheless believe he is innocent and that he is simply the victim of a witch hunt.

You will be like the 5-year old who sticks his fingers in his ears and says "la la la he's innocent la la la!"
WalksWith · 56-60, F

His supporters have been sticking their fingers in their ears since the beginning. Which is why they are flabbergasted now, saying he is innocent. **ump gives them permission to, loudly, broadcast their hate. They really do not care about this country, the people of this country, nor the laws of this country, they are just happy to support him because of that permission to hate. It all boils down to them being in a cult. **ump took a shit and they are the splatter of it. Their brains are too smooth to actually understand how they are being use.
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DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
Maybe their was misconduct and maybe not.Even if their was,it will hardly matter.They are too determined to "get Trump"to let anything stand in their way.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
Even the Constitution...
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@Snuffy1957 Even anything
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carpediem · 61-69, M
Don't hold your breath. They NEED to lock him up.
Ole Jack smith has made a habit of being overturned… maybe he wants to avoid another
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
I am sure Trump broke the law somewhere in there but we don't need opposition party administrations locking up US Presidents. That is third world kind of shit.
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we don't need opposition party administrations locking up US Presidents
But here's the thing: He is NOT president. I know it's hard for you to believe but he actually LOST to Joe Biden in 2020. Bigly.

And I may also say there is nothing the GOP want more at the moment than to lock up the current US president... you cool with that?
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@jshm2 The fact that Nault's lawyer is now saying no more communication unless he's charged or given an immunity deal proves how rattled he is, and how close Trump is to being indicted.

It's glorious 😊
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