What alleged misconduct? This is extremely vague. Do you have a source?
Imagine my frustration when Adam Schiff promised proof positive of Trump being a Russian operative.
The indictment of President Trump for alleged violations of the Espionage Act is a story that deserves much more attention than it has received thus far: the allegation that a senior official at the Department of Justice attempted to shake down Trump’s co-defendant’s lawyer. It is a scandal in the making that could result in the investigation of senior DOJ officials, which should lead to public congressional hearings, and that might even result in the entire case against Trump being dismissed.
@Budwick OK, I've looked into this. Unfortunately for you, and Trump, this will be not be considered prosecutorial misconduct. Prosecutors have no influence over judicial applications because the White House counsel office deals with them.
@SW-User Wrong Comrad... He aint been railroaded yet.. You say agreed but you already have him convicted... Wow
@Snuffy1957 Not yet he ain't. But he will be. You truly have a very unpleasant surprise coming your way if you think, somehow, Trump is getting off scott free (though not as unpleasantly surprised as Trump will be...)
@SW-User See... your wrong again Pendeho... It wont surprise me one bit... just like it don't surprise Me that Commie Joe and his comrads get away with the shit they do
@Snuffy1957 How am I wrong again, pendejo? OK, well if it won't surprise you, then you clearly know Trump is guilty.
Aha and then deflect onto "Commie Joe" because you've got nothing left. 😊
31 felony counts of willful retention of national defense information in violation of the Espionage Act. Four felony counts of obstruction under 18 U.S.C. § 1512 and 18 U.S.C. § 1519 and two felony counts of false statements under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 of course :)
@Snuffy1957 ROTFLMFAO! Yeah, there’s only one party who embraces the nation where Communism first took flight as a decades-long form of government, and spoiler alert, it ain’t the Democrats 🤣🤣
@Budwick They're coming after Trump guilty or not. They can't allow him to be president again. They will do anything to avoid that. And that includes twisting, turning and breaking the law. Screw the constitution. They are THAT desperate. Trump can and will uncover their web of lies and bullshit if he gets reelected.
This is some third world stuff going on. These leftists have control and they are NOT letting go. As I said, screw the law. They want him in jail. Guilty or not. End of story.