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I just don't get it

Did u guy's hear about the former nurse getting a life sentence of 380 to 760 year's in prison. What I don't understand is what is the point of the 380 to 760. I mean just call it life in prison. What is the chances of her living pass 100 year's
Matt85 · 36-40, M
maybe once they die their soul stays in prison for that amount of time
Badmaster · 61-69, M
It's just numbers to show that every infraction counts.
Say a murderer gets life. He's / she's 50. Killed 5 people. So if he lives to 100 it's 10 yrs a person. That's shitty. But if he got 200 yrs at least it feels like life counted for more
looping · 18-21
it's probably just to instil that they're never getting out.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Dramatic effect?

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