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Their vs. there vs. they're

English is not my first language but I did my best to become as fluent as possible. And I find it strange and mildly annoying when so many native speakers are so careless with their spelling.
Their = belonging to them
There = answers the question "where?"
They're = they are.

And no, I'm not a grammar Nazi, but this is very basic!
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pdockal · 56-60, M
It's not about the spelling or lack of understanding
It's about being a lazy typist & auto correct
This isn't formal writing so most don't care what form they use as long as you can gist of the message
Yes there are some who are clueless
HeadGirl · 46-50, F
I don't understand how people mix those words up either, especially when we consider the fact that "they're" is not even PRONOUNCED the same as the other two. "They're" is a TWO-SYLLABLE word that rhymes precisely with "player", while the other two have ONE SYLLABLE each and rhyme precisely with "pair". What part of that don't people understand?

Also, the word "they're" obviously has a verb in it while the other two do not. What part of that don't people understand?

As for the word "there", it is totally unrelated to the other words, so how can anybody confuse it with them? "There" is not a "they" word by any stretch of the imagination. What part of that don't people understand?

There really is no excuse for not knowing something they should have learned before they were ten years old.
@HeadGirl Very well stated.
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Lilymoon · F
There their they're now 🤭
It's not a given that just because someone is a native speaker of a language, especially English, they're better at it. A lot of spoken English is not even grammatically correct, a lot of it is bastardised into slang and other forms that is supposed to sound cool and hip.
A lot of non native speakers who put in the time and effort tend to be better at the grammar because they learn it properly.
RuthW69 · 56-60, F
You would be a good teacher. We taught by rote and were pulled up about grammar and spelling. Tidiness mattered as well.
@RuthW69 Like the multiplication table, these rudiments need to be learned. Otherwise it is like being in a boat without paddles.
Oneofthestormboys · 56-60, M
I agree!!! It’s appalling how many native English speakers are so poor at grammar.
The misuse of the apostrophe drives me nuts - it’s really not difficult and I don’t get why people find it so hard to use it properly.
I’ve even seen public advertisements with the apostrophe used wrongly. Makes me want to use red spray paint to correct it! 😂
LadyGrace · 70-79
I have to agree. That's really something everyone should know. It disgusts me when I see advertisements or billboards with misspelled words. There's no excuse for it.
@LadyGrace very well said.
The boat over there is their boat, and they’re going to take me fishing next week.

Put the book over there next to their shelves because they’re going to put the books in order.

There is no way I could know it was their paint or that they’re really not into sharing.

It was always their plan to go to the beach over there because they’re big fans of that spot.

There is always another opportunity to get on their good side, they’re very flexible.
@SW-User 💯
djjohnson · 41-45, M
I've the same issue Your and You're. I think that part of the issue is that most people rely on auto correct and spell check too much. And since they don't check to see what auto correct decided to put in when they mistyped it and since it doesn't get the squiggly red line under it for misspelling they don't even notice what happened. I sometimes forget to double check my texts when I write "Your". For some reason my finger often misses the "r" but because "YOU" is still correct it doesn't highlight it.
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
I agree. While we are on English usage, though, please don't use the expression "grammar Nazi"! I know it is an expression that people use but it really is not appropriate or funny. Merci!
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
@HeadGirl much better! One can also use "prescriptivist" :D
HeadGirl · 46-50, F
@ServantOfTheGoddess Sounds like a doctor's assistant. Lol :)
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
@HeadGirl It is the term linguists use, but you are right 🤓
Even if you understand the difference, it’s still possible to slip up, especially when typing.
deadgerbil · 26-30
@ralucamatache i know. I'm joking around because it's not that serious
chrisCA · M
@ralucamatache That is a common one too. Lol
xp47rb · M
@SW-User cell phone autocorrect often does it too
agotamaniscalistic · 41-45, M
The difference is that, we (I am a non-native speaker too) educate & train ourselves in the language. As we become better at it, we also learn the nuances & try to get better at it.

However, that being said, not all of the natives are educated. So, it is but natural to have some of them make mistakes. And even the educated make mistakes because, I feel, if you haven't slogged your skin off for it, you are not going to realize the value of it. Since native speakers (quite a few) never really had to break a sweat to learn the language, they never care much for the correctness .

But did you notice (or do you feel) the native speakers of English try to refrain from speaking profanity in a professional environment, while the non-natives sometimes do take the liberty to do it?
Nevernow · 61-69, M
Happens all the time, same as its and it's and birth and berth (I've got a 4 birth camper - wow have you really!?) More than one !, that's the point of the punctuation, you only need one!
Ahhhstevee · 22-25, M
With no disrespect to the author, truly, this must me the single most inane point of discussion that Millennials continue to revisit.
@Ahhhstevee Or, at least, one of them.
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
What about all the kids now not using her or she but using pronouns like they or them. Makes it even more confusing
I so agreed with you.
And, thank you for using good grammar. I appreciate it more than you know.
LivinLite406 · 36-40, M
Yes! It blows my mind how many misuse there/their/they’re. Also my other pet peeve and maybe even more is then/than!!
pdockal · 56-60, M

Ever consider we are just lazy typists and don't really care ?
LivinLite406 · 36-40, M
@pdockal oh, that’s a fact!😂😂
I appreciate your posting this comment and consider it very appropriate.
Herefornow · 26-30, M
Many native speakers in America don't seem to brush up much on their grammar and vocab, it seems to me. I don't know the statistics exactly, of course. But yeah, they seem to take it much lighter than those who secondary language is English. Comes with the comfort and complacence of being able to speak it naturally, I suppose.
HeadGirl · 46-50, F
@Herefornow I have a Polish friend whose English is good, and I taught her a lot of it myself. Even so, she doesn't make a pig's ear of the English language, she never uses "your" instead of "you're", she doesn't say "must of" and she doesn't mix up "then" and "than" just because they are pronounced alike in Norfolk (which is about 200 miles from where we live anyway).
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
You know ( not no ) their Just Not caring whether ( not weather ) you know THEIR not THERE given They're not over here Either

They just want to Know ( not no. )
If You can See the C down by the Sea

Through why when the guy at the Carnival bet a Dollar
On Numbers 7...8...9...and 10

Why did 10 win ??
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
@TheDisciplinarian I don't know, why did 10 win?
DMmeyourtits · 26-30, M
Another one that people mess up which drives me crazy:

Must of vs. Must have

Literally the worst
HeadGirl · 46-50, F
@DMmeyourtits I've seen that before and it doesn't adequately explain anything.
DMmeyourtits · 26-30, M
@HeadGirl then you must be daft
HeadGirl · 46-50, F
@DMmeyourtits No, I'm not, and I think you have a cheek to say that.
Caoimhe79873 · 41-45, F
you should never judge someone on how they speak
ArtieKat · M
Absolutely agree, Raluca. Apostrophes in the wrong places annoy the hell out me!
HeadGirl · 46-50, F
@ArtieKat Those annoy everybody.
ArtieKat · M
@HeadGirl Except those who make the mistakes!
HeadGirl · 46-50, F
@ArtieKat They must be annoyed by it, otherwise they must be unannoyable, if that's the correct word. Lol :)
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
It's a bit annoying for us native speakers, as well.
where were wear we're haha
enjoy it
fact1234 · 41-45, M
Most of my more youthful countrymen, were ill educated. at best
they breezed through schools that were more interested in graduation statistics
than teaching. They tend to read nothing longer than a paragraph.
They never have a second language
Morninglory69 · 36-40, M
When writing a long as message sometime predictive text chooses the wrong word and you don’t realise and miss it. Happens to me all the time.
Freeranger · M
I have to laugh at this, because I'm guilty of that when I read a post. Not that I'm judging, I've slipped up a few times but, I understand the differences.
That is completely understandable. You have worked very hard, native speakers should put in an equal amount of effort ❤️
Justme264 · 70-79, M
I totally agree with you... but there are rules I have forgotten a long time ago and too lazy to research the correct way... e.g learned vs learnt
HeadGirl · 46-50, F
@Justme264 The differences between "there", "their" and "they're" are glaringly obvious to anyone over the age of 10. I could tell them apart when I was about 6, if not even younger than that.
Justme264 · 70-79, M
@HeadGirl what about learnt vs learned... in what context do use we each in
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
In pronouncing out, how many day are?

I don't want to be forward, but if that is your image as your profile photo, you are not just me intelligent,byou are gorgeous!
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
I can't stand it when us Americans butcher their language:)
HeadGirl · 46-50, F
@Nevertooold I can't stand it when we Americans butcher their language.
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔.......Some people are just bad at grammar and now when you voice text a message, if the wrong their/there comes up, people don't care and just send the message anyway......
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
Perhaps First...
I should ask.....
By chance..did You .....See the "C" by the Sea ??
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ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
Welcome to the American education system.
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
@ProfessorPlum77 Simply ask Yourself ...
Do You See the C by the Sea ?

Yet why the heck would a C be down by the Sea is a different story .. lol
Roberthouse · 46-50, M
Love this, I have been guilty of using incorrect grammar.
Barny52 · 56-60, M
I still struggle after 60 years learning it
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Public school educations …
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
You’re right. Drives me nuts too
pdockal · 56-60, M
It's lazy typing and auto correct that's more the issue
Most don't proofread before sending and won't fix regardless
gdon39 · 46-50, M
You are so amazing. Nice post.
Spnk8 · 36-40, M
Yeah I know it's sad honestly
looking4snoopysgirl · 56-60, M
I wholeheartedly agree with you xx
Malebabysitter · 18-21, M
Did you study English in school only or even after?
Batman · 41-45, M
Your going to need to calm down ma’am.
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
looking4snoopysgirl · 56-60, M
I agree 100% x

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