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The reducto ad absurdism view of people who hate whoever the tv tells them is today’s naughty man

literally everything is ‘today I’m not meant to like this person, and that means they are stupid. I’ll come up with some sort of stupid way of thinking and then put that onto the person I’m meant to dislike and then laugh about how stupid I’ve made them out to be’. As with most public figures I neither dislike or like them, I just notice thought processes like this. It’s almost as if it’s just recreation and belittling others to feel better about oneself, then actual social commentary
To be fair, Elon Musk is an enormous pile of shit.
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@BohemianBabe if I just declare someone I don’t like to be stupid, does that justify being stupid myself? Regardless of my views of someone, if they got to a level of success as musk had, I’d have some level of respect for them. But everything in society has to be so black and white, red team vs blue team and someone famous to demonise to feel better about ourselves. I don’t know what’s happened to society. From how I see things, I don’t like some of his views, I like some of his other views. He isn’t calling someone a fascist or an idiot or a man child every other sentence and he’s accomplished things for himself. More importantly, he’s a fellow human being.
@pianoplayingsteve Musk was born into wealth and got richer by hiring other people to build things, which he then takes profit and credit for. The fact that he's had this much success just shows how bad Capitalism is.

I agree that media does tend to present things as black or white, but it's always done that. People are stupid, they like simple stories.
DDonde · 31-35, M
Eh, do people still watch TV?

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