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Just speaking about the joke itself, this made me laugh.
ArcticDave · M
@miette happy to oblige
Dshhh · M
The word gender can be problematic. Remember when once homosexual men, or lesbian women, had to hide what they were from the larger world. This is changed, this new challenge of what exactly do you mean by gender, might be viewed in two ways For some of the word gender means what is the equipment you were born with. For others, gender seems to be a social construct. This is where the conflict comes in some seem in raged, when a person chooses a way to be seen does not match the biology they were made with. You will hear such person say things like oh, I hear by identifies a bear. Does that make me a bear? Interesting to note that suchPersons most often born male, that say this are unaware of the fact that term itself bear, has a meaning within the homosexual community. A beefy man, thick and often Harry. So I must say what do you mean by that? It is an antagonistic position
Though I am a heterosexual man, bornThat way I am learning to be more excepting of people that I do not understand.
Though I am a heterosexual man, bornThat way I am learning to be more excepting of people that I do not understand.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Controversy aside, I think this joke would make most people laugh, regardless of their stance.
pride49 · 31-35, M
To me there's only two. It's just finicky when someone is in the middle of transition. If you want to be called man sure, woman, sure. I don't see the problem or why anyone would care so harshly what someone is considered. You can either go away. Or learn what their preferences is. Idk y'all make big deals about stuff. My only thing is to get the surgery you should be an adult. Idk
Also, sex Ed should stay clinical.
Also, sex Ed should stay clinical.
miette · 26-30, F
But, whether you're speaking strictly about biological sex in terms of gender, or gender in terms of expression and roles- there's never truly been just two. The other stuff is just more known to the mainstream now.
Trans folk are getting even weirder. If you don't use the right pronoun they consider it a violent assault, thus a crime. Stop the insanity!
beermeplease · M
i'm just a people person....don't give a shit what or how one identifies themself. as long as you respect me i'll respect you....
smiler2012 · 61-69
@ArcticDave 🤔that guy his being a little boastful over the size of his manhood lol