BlueVeins · 22-25
I'm ready 😓
Bypassing this year..COVID
kelseyM · 22-25, F
@SW-User thank you for coming in, unfortunately you are not allowed to bypass your review, and because you tried to bypass it, we are going to have to let you go
@kelseyM Finally someone with good news...Im heading out the door and not looking back.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Is it that time already? 😲 *sits*
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
*Comes in dressed as you and mimics your movements while attempting to give you a performance review of your own*
It’s called a power move
It’s called a power move
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JRVanguard · 26-30, M
@kelseyM Did I make too many penis jokes or not enough?
kelseyM · 22-25, F
@JRVanguard we know you have been stealing the paper clips
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
@kelseyM I just wanted to make a realistic sculpture of Mario Lopez made of paper clips😩
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
It's been awhile since I've had a real performance review lol
kelseyM · 22-25, F
@Turtlepower thanks for coming in, we have had some reports of your rubbing your nipples throughout the workplace, so we are going to have to let you go
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
@kelseyM Haha pretty sure I've done that and they haven't fired me yet. You're a brutal supervisor lol
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
I was asleep. What is the problem?
kelseyM · 22-25, F
@Crazywaterspring oh thank you for coming in, even though you are 3 days late. We want to remind you that your job here is to run the sleep study, not sleep. Next slip up and you are out of here
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@kelseyM Know what? I've got another job lined up. I'm not giving two weeks notice. You're fired! My stuff is already packed. I'll see myself out.
Rambler · 61-69, M
*peels out of parking lot, disappears
I truly tried my best 😪
kelseyM · 22-25, F
@SW-User thank you for coming in. We have had a few reports of you licking all the spoons in the kitchen, and because of that we will actually be letting you go
Whoever said that was lying but since I can't prove it...
Whoever said that was lying but since I can't prove it...
BeefySenpie · M
*enters and starts pacing in circles
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
I'm a white male so I already know this isn't going to go well. I don't bring enough diversity or cultural awareness to the workplace.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Sitting nervously
Lol go on then
HopelessGuy · M
I hate those.
You did a great job but not enough for a promotion or a good hike in your salary.
I don't have enough power to give you a promotion but I have a the power to ruin your entire time working in this organization blah blah blah.
You did a great job but not enough for a promotion or a good hike in your salary.
I don't have enough power to give you a promotion but I have a the power to ruin your entire time working in this organization blah blah blah.
kelseyM · 22-25, F
@HopelessGuy thank you for giving yourself your review, we here at this company appreciate it, you may carry on.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@kelseyM That's a relief. Usually they promise a ten cent raise "when things improve.".
theAlchemist · 56-60, M
We're going to have to let you go, due to your inappropriate flirtations with your coworker who weighs 439 pounds, never showers, and collects My Little Pony toys that have genitals....
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@theAlchemist My job just hired them. They may not last long. Most of us are vets whose swearing blisters paint off concrete.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I am ready to, er, perform.
candycane · 31-35, F
I got a new job