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I emailed my therapist a big, long word vomit about some kinda traumatic shit that happened in my life

and she just sends back "This is a lot. That must have been really emotional for you to type out. (Sent from my iPhone)"

Idk if that's a normal therapist response. Comes across as kinda like, patronizing I guess? IDK, the vibes were off and I felt weird about sending all that. I think I'm gonna stop doing therapy. I have the answers to all my problems already so it's kind of a moot point anyway.
Doomflower · 36-40, M
Wow that sucks. I would have read it that way too.

But to kinda try and look at it differently, she might not have intended that tone. It might be helpful for you to consider asking her about it.

I say that because I've done the same thing at therapists and they've responded in a way that felt kind of dismissive at first. On follow up they were actually really warm and kind. I think it's like, they want to reply and respond to all of it but don't have time to do it right away so they send something to acknowledge me so they have a chance to process and come up with a therapeutic way to address the content later.

And re: quitting therapy... I don't know your whole life and so I can't tell you what you should do but in my personal experience, if I am thinking about quitting it usually means I am actually doing some real therapeutic work and benefitting from therapy. Growth is uncomfortable. Gains are pains. Yadda yadda

Edit: Oh I see about the follow up. Ooof. Okay, maybe not the best fit.
Sing, Muse, of the troubled heart's lament,
A soul in search of solace, message sent.
A tale of woe, in words it poured,
A torrent of pain, its depths explored.

But from the wise one's lips, a terse reply,
"Noted," she said, as tears did dry.
From iPhone's realm, the message flew,
Leaving the seeker in doubt anew.

Was this the counsel sought, so cold and brief?
A balm for wounds, or mere disbelief?
In silent chambers, doubts did grow,
A seed of discontent, beginning to sow.

Yet, in the depths of inner sight,
A truth emerged, a guiding light.
The answers lie not in another's hand,
But within, where the soul does stand.

So, with resolve, the seeker turned away,
From therapist's words, no longer to sway.
For in the crucible of self, they find,
The strength to heal, the peace of mind.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@FrogManSometimesLooksBothWays how long did this take you to write
@BlueVeins ChatGPT did it in .0000000000005 seconds. 🤣
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Sounds like something I would say... except I would have deleted the "(Sent from my iPhone)" to avoid the perception I was quick-reading in traffic.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
She's not being patronizing, she's trying to validate your emotions and just did it clumsily.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@CountScrofula Yeah I think we just aren't a good fit. No ill-will or anything, she does give me legitimate feedback.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
Was that her only reply?
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Coralmist Our appointment was the next day and she kinda just asked me how I was going to navigate that social situation. She didn't have anything to add in that department because my ideas are always correct anyway.
wackidywack · 22-25
is that all, did she not say anything else
BlueVeins · 22-25
@wackidywack Our appointment was the next day and she kinda just asked me how I was going to navigate that social situation. She didn't have anything to add in that department because my ideas are always correct anyway.
Wallflow3r · 26-30, F
She sounds lazy
that was equivalent to a “k” response. i think we always know the answers anywayz
People who still have email signatures like “(Sent from my iPhone)” should be tarred and feathered.

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