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Isn't today's technology amazing?

With one simple click or tap, we can communicate with someone on the other side of the world.
Ontheroad · M
It is amazing, but also a double edged sword... "click" and you are halfway around the world, but suddenly, you find ignorance and hate is everywhere! Sometimes I think I was happier when I could believe it was localized.
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
And to think when I was in high school we had pay phones…. And that’s about it.
@Spokeskitties75 Same. And writing letters.
Thodsis · 51-55, M
Yes it is.

But it always brings the question of 'Should we do it just because we can?'.

My response is generally 'no'.

Look what happened with the internet.
@Thodsis True. Social media definitely has some long standing major issues.
Its intresting to hear people from around the world. I like it. I only wish it was used for good, over control more than it is.
Takes being pen pals to a whole new world
And they can block you with a keystroke!
“Even those who do not, or cannot, avail themselves of a scientific education, choose to benefit from the technology that is made possible by the scientific education of others.”
― Richard Dawkins, A Devil's Chaplain: Reflections on Hope, Lies, Science, and Love
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
I remember when I was in university I would skip class just to use the internet and marvel at its convenience. I prob wasn’t the only one either. It was always packed. It really is something.
It is breathtaking that a journey of 6 -10 hrs in the air, can be completed in a single tap.
Connecting the hearts and minds of citizens once oceans apart.
fun4us2b · M
I called someone last week and after our call, they told me they were in Jerusalem...I was like Whhaa? 🤯 No way!
Yes and all the creeps, fraudsters and weirdos of the world have access to us 🙂
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Back in my day we just had pen pals.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
That’s the upside.
reubles · 41-45, M
Slade · 56-60, M
With a dicpick
Its amazing , but so quickly we've acclimatised, taken it for granted and abused it .
And now some are even trapped by it.

If AI does take off, a humanity is gonna end up a puppet.

I wish more fully appreciated the www.
TheLordOfHell · 41-45
Yep that it is. That's why I love this place
Zonuss · 41-45, M
Yes. It's mind boggling even in 2022.
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@Darksideinthenight2 Sad, but true.
empanadas · 31-35, M
Also with one click, we can send an unsolicited dick pic to someone across the world
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
@empanadas well… two clicks really
empanadas · 31-35, M
@Spokeskitties75 speaking from years of experience I see
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