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Why do so many people recommend reading books? What exactly makes a book a more efficient learning tool than a video or whatever?

I really dont like reading, Ive tried it many times, fiction, educational, whatever topic and I just cant get myself to like it, it's just too boring and tedious to me, I need some images or something to keep myself entertained, just looking at letters makes me bored. I know I probably sound like a meatheat but it's not like I dont try, I wish I liked books, I truly wish I did just to know why so many people talk about how useful they are and how important it is to read
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There are definitely other ways of gathering information. If you like to read, and I do, it's better than a movie or a video because you can create what's happening in the book using your own imagination instead of others inflicting their imagination on your experience. You can make it bigger or scarier or more beautiful in your head.
meggie · F
@Mamapolo2016 that reply says it all. Same for listening to radio instead of TV.
@meggie Yep.
A book relies on your imagination to visualise the world and characters - I find movies to be a let down as they never live up to my imagination
@SW-User most horror is better in book form. Lord of the rings is one of my all time favourite movies (all 3 of them) but the books are so much better. I have to admit I struggle with the acting in Harry Potter but I’ve never read the books - couldn’t get into it at all.
@SW-User the exorcist.. The movie was shite, the book so scarey I threw it across the room
@SW-User ahh I love the exorcist…not as a horror but it’s just a classic in it’s funny little way. The shining is really good, but the book is so much better. I think it gets in your head more when you’re reading it. I never get scared at horror films
Trippin · F
People learn differently maybe. Otherwise prolly increases vocabulary, raises self-esteem, builds good communication skills, and strengthens the prediction engine that is the human brain. 🤷‍♀️
Bri89 · 31-35, M
It isn't more efficient in my opinion. If watching a video helps you that is just as valid as reading. The information does not have to come from a book to be valid. A lot of people recommend books because, for the longest time in human history, books were the only way to attain information. It was the only piece of media we had at our disposal and the best way to communicate at that time.

Judging by what you wrote, you are a visual learner. And in some cases, I can be as well. We learn different ways depending on what we're trying to learn.
Jill1990 · 31-35, F
If you thing about a movie made from a book, someone has to read the book and interpret it for the viewers. Problem is that his interpretation is much different from mine. It’s a totally different experience. Maybe you would like the movie better but almost always I like the book better. I can get lost in a good book. If you don’t like to read… well, that’s cool too.
If you read fiction,you create your own images that way. That’s why everyone always says “the book was better “. Because no movie will come to par with your own imagination
PhaqueYou · M
@SW-User wtf?
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@ryzeup1n] books maybe an old fashioned way of educating the human mind has been a tried and tested theory for centuries and it has proved the perfect tool for the human learning curve
oOThumiOo · T
It’s just different learning styles, reading doesn’t work for you so that’s ok but it’s more efficient to ppl who’s earning style is like that
bowman81 · M
There is a reason that the movie almost never matches the book.
PhaqueYou · M
@bowman81 it's call adapted for the big screen.... thus a screenplay.

But, of course people don't seem to grasp why that is.
@bowman81 yeah, the chop the plot apart and destroy it
PhaqueYou · M
Seems people need to expand their understanding on information.
Nothing is better than a book for me. I like smelling the pages, turning them, etc.

I can appreciate documentaries, scholarly presentations, or me doing my own research.

But I think I’m a romantic when it comes to holding a book, scholarly or otherwise.
PhaqueYou · M
@Temporallube thus?

No books...?

No ability?

Books can't keep up with the speed of information.

So, that research?

How up to date is that?
I don't think it's as important to read books as it is to gain the knowledge/experiences that's contained in books. If you don't like reading you can listen to audio. Take your time. Maybe your attention span only allows you 15 minutes. Then do it for that amount of time each day.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
Some people are not readers.
PhaqueYou · M
I get that stigma also because I suffer blindness.

I still read but electronically.

Yet I'm lesser than thou.

Bullying trying to appeal as unity for a cause.

Mere arrogance.

If I relied on book availability I wouldn't be up to speed with information.

It comes frequently and fast.
Lilymoon · F
Books are an escape from the world.
I love them.
ExtremeNext · 36-40
I don't read books either
oOThumiOo · T
Reading helps you learn how to spell better subconsciously too
I find that they stimulate my brain more than watching something does. Probably because it requires a little more effort.

That being said, books aren't for everyone and you can learn an awful lot from videos and audio. If books don't suit you, that's fine.

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