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Going out to eat with a friend today and I don’t want to go.

So I used to be friends with this girl and we worked together at a bar, many years ago in my party days. She’s started shopping at my work and recognized me and has really been bugging me to hang out with her.
In the last few years, since getting covid, I have gone from being a very extroverted gal who loves to be on the go, to an extremely introverted person with a lot of health problems who absolutely hates being around other people. I literally never go anywhere besides work and the gym and doctors. I love just laying in bed watching Netflix or reading now instead of being on the go. Part of it is getting old too.
So this girl begged me for my phone number and wants to go hang out and go out drinking.
I have had to work all the times she’s asked me to go out, but I have been on a 2 week Staycation now and she’s been texting me wanting to hang out.
I finally agreed, just to shut her up. I told her that I no longer drink and have very few foods I can eat because of my health conditions.
She picked out a Mexican restaurant and we’re going in a few hours. I don’t want to go- I want to sleep and lay in bed watching Netflix all day. I just want to get this all over with.
My goal is to let her see that I am not the same person that I was years ago when we were young and friends partying together. She’s going through some stuff with her dying Dad and I don’t mean to sound uncaring, but I don’t want the drama of listening to her go on about their troubled relationship and his sickness, etc
I enjoy helping people with their problems online, but in person it’s just too much for me now and stresses me out. It’s like sensory overload to me now. I was never like this before I got covid.
I hope I am able to listen to her and be a good person, but am also hoping that she sees that we have nothing in common anymore and that this is the last time we hang out.
Ready for this day to be over with already so I can go back to being my introverted loner self again who does nothing but lay in bed watching Netflix. 😂
RuyLopez · 56-60, M Best Comment
I get the sensory overload thing. Sometimes you just don't have the emotion surplus to give out. When you feel that way it is your mind and body telling you that you have all the stress you can handle.
Mardrae · F
@RuyLopez yes! That’s it exactly! I have so much stress in my life and my happiest time is when I’m completely alone, not dealing with anything or anyone.

DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Go to dinner with her. Smile and nod at her at the appropriate points. Answer any questions she has minimally. Leave as soon as it's feasible. And then it will be over and you can stop dreading it.

Or you might go and actually have a good time. I mean, it could happen.

Either way, just do it and be done with it.
Mardrae · F
@DunningKruger true. I can’t have the margarita, but I think I’ll take a Delta 9 gummy with me so I can have a little bit of a buzz. 😂
brain163 · 61-69, M
Sending hugs and strength to get through this. I have no doubt she will see the difference in your outlook. I would hope with age and maturity, she has possibly changed too......you might be surprised - BUT, probably not 😒

Most of us changed in some degree during the pandemic period, for different reasons.

I have no doubt you will be caring and sympathetic to her current issues / concerns - but I know you will show her who the mature you is now.

Stay strong my friend!
Mardrae · F
@brain163 thanks, I will! She just texted me 2 things. Her sister texted her and said her dad is almost dead and it will be very soon. And that she herself has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. So we should have some interesting conversations at least, buzz or no. 😂
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Being an introvert isn’t bad, especially after having an illness like covid, but for our psychological self, it’s not all that healthy. You’re doing the right thing, enjoy her company and the time together.
Mardrae · F
@Quimliqer goons try hard! 😂
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Interesting indeed
Mardrae · F
@Strictmichael75 yeah, I see what you’re saying. People change and I think she expects me to be the same way we were 30 years ago when we partied together. She’s in for a rude awakening! 😂
cremationer · 61-69, M
@Mardrae try the truth, something about it being the best policy and it becomes fun.
Mardrae · F
@cremationer yeah, so we hung out and texted a few times and she has realized that I am no longer a party person so thankfully she won’t ask me to hang out with her anymore
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Let's hope it ends up being fun🙂
Mardrae · F
@Virgo79 I’m sure it will be. I just wish I could drink a big margarita with her. This will probably be the first time in my adult life that I have gone to a Mexican restaurant and not had a margarita. 😂
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@Mardrae i wish you could too☹️
cremationer · 61-69, M
well don't bother watching "royal teen" then.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
So don't go.

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