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bowman81 · M
I know I have the capacity for both. I just push on while trying to make the best of each day.
4meAndyou · F
I search my soul frequently. I have decided I am a good person.
pdockal · 56-60, M
Don't need to since i know
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Towards the end of abusive relationships I’ve made some ’not ,y proudest moments’ choices. Nothing detrimental, but it’s a good life lesson that if you stay too long in a toxic situation it starts to wear you down. Better to move on while you’re still in tact.
I constantly work to improve myself into a better human being. Better than what currently I am..
If you can't Fly, then Run..
If you can't Run, then Walk..
If you can't Walk, then Crawl..
but whatever you do you have to keep moving Forward.
If you can't Fly, then Run..
If you can't Run, then Walk..
If you can't Walk, then Crawl..
but whatever you do you have to keep moving Forward.
Bertie · 46-50, F
I have a lot of self awareness and don't need to "pause" to know if I am or not. I'm only human, so I have to always work at being the best version of myself as I can be.
bookerdana · M
Not how I would phrase it but nobody's been the less for knowing me and I do my fair share share of Good things..virtue is a choice
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@bookerdana Virtue is a choice...yes,it would seem. Pretty much all things intangible are.
popmol · 26-30, M
i know i'm a bad person when looked at from a certain group.
i'm a good person to myself and those that are similar to me.
i'm a good person to myself and those that are similar to me.
Lostpoet · M
i was a good person but got fcked over on too many times. Now i just want to be a lonely person.
Jungleman · M
i know i'm a good honest person at heart.
I do my best and thats all can do
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@BacarySagnasleftankle That's good. But we can try and go beyond our best to go to the next level. It's kind of a mindset I have.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I'm an idiot. And proud of it.
Many times.
Each time, I reach the consensus with I-me-myself that I am a fusion, complete package of several bests with a fair share of bads too.
Not doing anything about it all is an essential realisation.
Each time, I reach the consensus with I-me-myself that I am a fusion, complete package of several bests with a fair share of bads too.
Not doing anything about it all is an essential realisation.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Lol no never
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
No, I don't to that.
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
I sometimes check my actions and words to see if I consider them good or bad. And I sometimes try to improve on what I feel wasn't so good. But... as a person, I don't think I'm bad.