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TommyNoir · 31-35, M
If I'm not cutting grass, I'll probably be here until I fall asleep.

Luckylu · 61-69, F
What I’m doing now, answering silly questions on SW 🤣, while putting a puzzle together, while considering what to write next for fun and giggles or heartache and tears🤔, just after writing ✍️ an entry in my journal about yesterday and my emotional rollercoaster ride😳😞🤪🤷‍♀️😩🫣🤣🤓😏🧐, all while considering what I want to eat 🍽️ and whether I should put in a few hours of work 📥… and hours later I realize nothing has gotten done. 🤷‍♀️🤪🤣
Ontheroad · M
@Luckylu Are we twins? 🤣
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I'd probably smoke some weed & stream something stupid no one else in the house would watch with me.
Spectra · 26-30, F
black4white · 56-60, M
@Spectra @Starcrossed ya’ll need to either scoot over so I can sit in the middle or something cuz ya know …..inhales and puff puff pass ….what was we talking about …lol
Spectra · 26-30, F
@black4white Lmao gotta get in where you fit in
Pfuzylogic · M
What I normally do. I volunteer 2-3 hours a day containing the litterers of this area because the city doesn’t give a shit about the French Quarters in this city. I actually enjoy it and it isn’t unusual for people to stop and thank me.
Pfuzylogic · M
it was the city and not me that held their toes in the fire. It did get very hazardous from their neglect.
Spectra · 26-30, F
@Pfuzylogic Yea I don’t even wanna think about how bacteria and who knows what else is on a dirty mattress let alone that many in an area
Pfuzylogic · M
It was opened for the homeless for the first part of covid. They didn’t forget the location and tore down the fence that separated the commercial district from the highway. All the state did was line the fences with thorny bushes and still have no plan B. That was a mess to clean!
Reading mostly, no matter what time of day.
Spectra · 26-30, F
@SW-User In your armchair?
@Spectra Mostly yes, how'd you guess??!!
Spectra · 26-30, F
@SW-User Lol the name gave it away
calicuz · 51-55, M
Watch Family Feud.

Spectra · 26-30, F
@NerdyPotato Places where ppl cry?
Spectra · 26-30, F
@NerdyPotato Speaking of which, imagine a game where it’s like the reverse-family feud where you’re given a few words and then have to guess the theme or what they all have in common
@Spectra oh, that would be interesting!
I cook lunch or I get busy making my collages ..
BarbossasHusband · 36-40, M
You mean every day? Sleep
Musicman · 61-69, M
I am home in the middle of the day most days. My wife and I watch something on TV or I play on SW. Sometimes we read books.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Enjoy the blinds and the daylight. Combining chores with pauses in between where I pursue my hobbies, eat, and if needed, a nap.
Bills, housework, research, yard work.
Spectra · 26-30, F
@SW-User What kind of research?
Ferric67 · M
@SW-User sounds like my schedule
@Spectra The history of recorded popular music from 1890 to 2023.
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
Browse your picture library
Spectra · 26-30, F
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
@Spectra you are very beautiful, very sexy
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I`m always home in the middle of the day. Chores mostly.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Read, clean, watch TV, work in the yard, nap, read more.
Ducky · 31-35, F
Either nap, chores, watch videos or, if I have the day off, drink. 🥃
Maybe bake something
Ferric67 · M
@SW-User hi cherny
Deceased · M
I usually bury myself in my writing.
QCDog2659 · 61-69, M
Laundry. Grocery shop. Nap
Browse SW or sleep usually.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
watch hulu and youtube
and get on sw
DiabolicalBear · 31-35, M
Clean get things done
Applepiedom · 56-60, M
Look at pictures of spectra and wish she lived close by.
And would want anything to do with me 😜
WillaKissing · 56-60
Here for breakfast usually and then sun tanning and chores until the evening.
black4white · 56-60, M
Usually end up cleaning the house.... even tho its already clean... hahaha
jackson55 · M
Working in the shop. I don’t have time for social media during the day.
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Clean. Slay zombies. Smoke weed occasionally.
Spectra · 26-30, F
@GuyWithOpinions Lol awesome
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
Pretend I’m a house robber..
Spectra · 26-30, F
@AuRevoir In your own house?
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
iwishuwerehere · 61-69, M
Today I watch football
Ferric67 · M
@iwishuwerehere favorite upset in the afternoon games, pats over the eagles....even though the opening drive is very one sided to philly
Russ999 · 41-45, M
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
Work lol. Or have lunch.
I work from home.
Not an exciting answer I know.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
cooking, cleaning, smut browsing

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