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Scubayoda · 46-50, M
I don’t want to. That’s all she talks about
kimmy159 · F
@Scubayoda hahah why not?

very comfortable here can't imagine him even looking at another home but yes if he did
IamLara · F
@saragoodtimes may I join
@IamLara of course, not expecting him any time soon
IamLara · F
Reject · 26-30, M
I would, but I’m also a hopeless romantic who defines home as the people I love no matter where we are.
Looking to buy a new home? It's a grand decision and not one to take lightly. I only ever owned a home once, before a renter and many times after now, I'd say it's a big decision and if you feel the relationship will grow together don't hesitate, but if you have hesitations, talk with family and friends, they may be able to help you?
kimmy159 · F
@thewindupbirdchronicles Thanks for the advice ^^
Actually I do want to buy a new home somewhere in the future but it probably won’t be for the next couple of years :D
(We’ve been living together for 10 years already so that’s not the issue haha) ^^
Ingwe · F
I would move in an instant.
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Ingwe · F
@Stereoguy Somewhere , anywhere in Europe.
OldBrit · 61-69, M
The house we are in we bought in the early 90s.

Thst was really my choice, I loved it and could both see its potential but also felt it was home from the moment I opened the door.

My wife wants to move but I've resisted. Sooner or later though she should get her dream home
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
If my partner really loves me from the bottom of his heart I would follow him to the other site of this planet and I wouldn‘t mind in which building we are living.
TexChik · F
He knows I love this house but if he found one he was in love with, took the time to show it to me, and then asked me to move...I would .
subhubby · 56-60, M
Yes, I just built a house at my wife’s request. We moved in about 6 months ago. She wanted a new home
If I would be in that scenario. I would be discussing with my partner, "Should we buy a new house?"
Fullmetal · 46-50, M
Compromise is key! As is communication!
kimmy159 · F
@Fullmetal So true! But I’m always the one communicating and a compromise usually doesn’t follow 😂 especially if it’s about big things.
If we could afford it but we'd have sell this house first.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I can't even afford the one we're in now.
XDHyperGirlXD1 · 31-35, F
Buying a house in Ireland not worth it 👀
Ferric67 · M
Depends on the house, and where it is
AbbeyRhode · F
Without hesitation.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Happened just this year
RubySoo · 56-60, F
Not right now. Its something we will have to discuss in the future. My husband has his heart set on moving to Spain when he retires. I dont want to.....
kimmy159 · F
@RubySoo That’s a major decision indeed :0 maybe a vacation home / rental occassionally would be a compromise? It will remain more as a vacation feeling then ^^
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@kimmy159 theres options. It will take a lot of thought. Im just a real homebird.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
meggie · F
Yes the current one is too big and too much work
kimmy159 · F
@meggie The deal is off then 😭 the UK is pretty similar in a lot of ways though ^^ my first childhood friend lives in London, we visit eachother every once in a while :D the last trip got cancelled when covid started though :(
meggie · F
@kimmy159 I'm in London too. London is very over crowded now. I'd love to live by the sea. Hope you can visit your friend again soon.
kimmy159 · F
@meggie Thanks, I hope so too!
It’s awesome to live close to the seaside ^^ I only have to drive like 30mins to be there :D
TheGreatLeveler · 31-35, M
If we bought it together, we'd have to compormise and meet each other half way for something we could both be fine with. If the house would be financed by myself entirely, then no, it's entirely my decision 👏
No. Mutual agreements and teamwork (especially with something as major as housing) is foundational to a healthy sustainable relationship. It's not being selfish. It's being sensible.
If I were in a relationship, I would talk about it with them. If it location was not convenient for both of us, there really isn’t a great deal to talk about.
legodood · M
Hmmm....that depends on too many factors to mention here. Does that mean if money is no object? lol
kimmy159 · F
@legodood Let’s say you could sell your house and buy a new similar one for around the same price but more in the style or area your partner would prefer for example
Its whatever he wants to do because its his money.. i wouldn't mind moving further into the country tho
If I had a partner, I would have to. This place is too small for two people.
Fluffybull · F
We'd buy a different house if I wanted to. We make decisions together.
FlowersNButterflies · 61-69, F
Yes. People are more important than things, always.
kimmy159 · F
@FlowersNButterflies that is a nice thought ^^ my husband is always overthinking these things though. He has these set amount of conditions in his head. Some logical which I agree with, others not so much lol 😆
Yulianna · 22-25, F
do you mean, as well as the ones i already have?
kimmy159 · F
@Yulianna Sure or a different one where you move in together for example
4meAndyou · F
Nope. The cat has TERRIBLE taste...🤣🤣🤣
Sharky86 · 36-40, M
Me, buying a house... LOL just LOL
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
We are building currently
Coppercoil · M
Compromise is king.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@kimmy159 So what do you think of Jason Momoa & Would You Do Him
kimmy159 · F
@JohnOinger Giving people a laugh ^^ I don't know you that well to think of more :D
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@kimmy159 nice your my new SW Groupie
kimmy159 · F
@JohnOinger Don't groupies usually show up themselves to follow you around ;) You seem more like my groupie 😋
Martinette · 41-45, F
Maybe. I don't know.
We're looking to move. We live in my childhood home but we've outgrown it.
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ViciDraco · 36-40, M
If I could afford to

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