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How do you feel about Christmas Traditions?🎄

Poll - Total Votes: 92
Gift giving
Holiday baking and treats
Ugly Christmas Sweater
Listening to Christmas songs
Watching Christmas movies
Gift exchange at work
Decorationing the tree/house
Spending time with family
Elf on a shelf
Show Results
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Survey: A third of Americans are ready to ditch Christmas cards, Elf on the Shelf, and other holiday traditions.

How do you feel about that? What traditions do you feel like dropping or keeping?
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SethGreene531 · M Best Comment
The traditions keep the magic alive, at least for me.

I need the carols, family, ugly sweaters, advent calendars, food, films, decorations, tree, and snow.

Buying something someone tresures is beautiful too.
Blondily · F
@SethGreene531 I know they did a pretty good job of doing that back then.

Yes that's another one I should watch again!

I enjoy them a lot. Some are a bit syrupy but fun to watch. They put you in a good mood.

The 24th! Kinda shocked since youre so excited about xmas. 😆
@Blondily I went too big on the tree I think 🤔

Yes, Gonzo & Rizzo the Rat singing below Scrooge's window.☺

Hallmark has a lot of actors I recognize from early 90s films or TV series.
A good one is Christmas Waltz.

The Family Man with Nicholas Cage, The Holiday or Serendipity is good also.

For something deeper, try Tom Hanks in A Man Called Otto, or Will Smiths Collateral Beauty.
Blondily · F
@SethGreene531 yeah just a little bit overboard lol

I dont recall that lol

I watch the newer ones

The Holiday is one of my favorites. Watched that last week!!!

Havent seen either of those

JustNik · 51-55, F
I gave up on cards. I used to love sending them and I would tape the ones I got around the door frame and stop to look again and again, but geez it’s been almost a decade now that it seemed folks lost interest in sending them. For a time I held on, but when it became obvious I was only getting one from someone after they got mine and felt obligated I just let it go. I was down to one card exchange with Aunt Betty who always wrote a letter, but she passed away this spring so the last is gone now. This year I found gift buying a little different as well. Both the chicks are out of the nest and with limited space, so I focused on useful items and fewer things overall. There are no little children in our family anymore, no traveling this year since mom died at the end of summer so dad will be coming to stay here for days. I’m finding it feels like a quieter holiday than it once was, and my spirit with it, but I will always have my tree and lights and Christmas movies. ☺
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@JustNik I would spend a small fortune on cards and stamps. The anticiptation of checking the mailbox and finding a stack of christmas mail was sooooo warming. But like you said…it slowly faded to just a few cards You could tell some late ones were sent simply in reciprocity and it made me feel sick. So this year, I remorsefully declined to do it.

Maybe its because the recipients in my circle are now older (as I sometimes forget I am). Maybe more frugal. Maybe more lazy. Or maybe just cant be bothered.

Its one small tradition Im glad I had a memory of knowing. 🎄
Blondily · F
@JustNik Sounds really nice for you now. The hub and I wouldn't celebrate if it wasnt for our daughter and my cousins kids. I never send out xmas cards or get any since my parents and other older relatives died. Its becoming a thing of the past.
4meAndyou · F
In the past, I did ditch Christmas cards, because the postage is so expensive. Instead, I used to send virtual cards. American Greetings kept my Christmas list on file, and it was easy to send a "card" to everyone!

This year, I can't afford American Greetings. I had 6 stamps left, so I mailed out 6 cards, (which are sent to me by various charities), and placed cards near the mailbox for my friends and neighbors who live in this building.
Blondily · F
Great idea! I dont send cards either, only by text. I give certain members of my family Christmas cards with gift cards inside tho.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
I'd never want to ditch Christmas cards or lights, or holiday carols, or movies. Elf on the shelf I'd be fine with ditching lol.
Blondily · F
@Coralmist Ive never had elf on the shelf either
Pretzel · 61-69, M
Not my holiday
And it is a little irritating when people at work are insisting on my participation.

I happily cover the work area so they cand o their thing.

Just don't expect me to participate
Blondily · F
@Pretzel Gift giving at work is really awkward and shouldn't be forced on anyone.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Pretzel same way with me.
It's mostly pagan tradition anyway, so I do enjoy celebrating the season. Decorating the gray sleeping earth with twinkle lights and treats for animal friends who might struggle in the winter. I'm not crazy about the consumerism aspects. But why not feel a little cheer while it's dark.
Blondily · F
@MarbleMarvel I love the lights too and enjoy seeing kids open their gifts
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I keep traditions as long as they make me happy. I'm flexible with regards what we do for Christmas. My sister however, must eat the same things at the same time and do the same things to a T.
Blondily · F
@JimboSaturn We dont do everything traditional but some of it we do. I just do it for kids basically.
meggie · F
I do enjoy the decorations and the Christmas feeling. But my bf and I dont eat christmas food or bother with gifts. We enjoy it in our own way and still have lots of luxuries to eat and drink without any pressure.
Blondily · F
@meggie That's how it used to be with me until my cousin had kids. 😆
eyeno · M
Don't know about traditions but, Christmas is always more enjoyable and better with children around.

Blondily · F
@eyeno Yes we never bothered with xmas until my cousin had kids. Now we celebrate every year and enjoy watching the kids open their gifts. Its fun.
HumanEarth · F
I love making gifts and passing them out.

I get the best joy when I see them using my gifts.


Your gift found the perfect home
Blondily · F
@HumanEarth Thank you again for your gift. I like it very much. 🤗
Adogslife · 61-69, M
Love Christmas, but I’ve never done Elf on the Shelf or the ugly Christmas sweater. Rarely is there a gift exchange at work.

I love the gift giving part.
I enjoy most Christmas traditions. Im not wearing any christmas sweaters though, or any of those matching pajamas either, i'd just as soon take a dive in a wood chipper.
Blondily · F
@YourMomsSecretCrush Yeah that's a tradition I've never participated in. Some people tho go all out. Not me! 😆
Jlhzfromep · M
When you have kids at home, you should try to keep as many traditions as possible. Once they move out then just keep the ones that are important to you
Blondily · F
@Jlhzfromep They certainly do 👍🏻
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
I love the artwork on old Christmas cards, some are quite beautiful.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Blondily · F
@therighttothink50 excellent quotes😊👍🏻
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I hate ditching the lights right away when the new year comes. It's still dark, why making new year even more depressing than it already is?
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Nothinginparticular I completely don't understand any concept of Christmas in southern hemisphere. It just doesn't belong there at all.
Blondily · F
@CrazyMusicLover True. I wouldnt mind lights being up all year. It looks beautiful.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Blondily I feel like the end of January makes sense. The days are getting longer and it's getting old at that point for me. But big celebrations on New Years Eve and then jumping right into sterile work mode and darkness everywhere. It's just ugly and depressing.
Nothinginparticular · 56-60, M
I'm not really into traditions. I'm really super boring when it comes to that stuff. Well, when it comes to most stuff. Actually when it comes to any and everything.
Blondily · F
@Nothinginparticular Boring can be a good thing moneywise😉
Nothinginparticular · 56-60, M
@Blondily Not for me it ain't
calicuz · 56-60, M
I like Christmas music, SOME Christmas movies, and spending time with family.
Blondily · F
@calicuz We're the same. We don't do it all but some of it.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Just being food
Blondily · F
@MarineBob Thats the best part!
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M

No elf on a shelf but i do have a reclining fairy!
Blondily · F
@Tastyfrzz beautiful 😍
kodiac · 22-25, M
My tradition is seeing these guys play live[media=]
@kodiac saw them a few years ago....... great show
Blondily · F
@kodiac Sweet. Nice to keep our own personal traditions going on.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@YourMomsSecretCrush Saw them 3 times should be on everyone's bucket list .Each year tickets go higher prices .Getting out of my price range
Ducky · 31-35, F
How I feel about them in a nutshell:
Blondily · F
@Ducky I feel for ya!😟
Felina · F
Christmas is what each household makes of it 🥂✨🎄🥰🙏🏼
Blondily · F
@Felina Exactly! I agree with you 100%!
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I think the whole thing needs to be abolished. Just buy me some jewellery first
Blondily · F
@Jenny1234 I hear ya! lol
OverTheHill · 61-69, M
I do all of them except Elf on the Shelf.
Thrust · 56-60, M
Midnight mass on Christmas Eve at St Patricks Cathedral - never miss it
Thrust · 56-60, M

Lsst year the Hamasphiles tried to get in and disrupt as you'd expect.

NYPD kept them out with some righteous beatdowns!
Blondily · F
@Thrust that would be surreal!
Thrust · 56-60, M
@Blondily they got to enjoy the birth of the savior in Rikers! 👍
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
I am all for keeping Christmas songs, gift giving, decorations, Christmas cards, Christmas movies, baking and goodies. 😊
Blondily · F
@Musicman nice we do most of that too
Like getting drunk before midnight mass?
Blondily · F
@FrogManSometimesLooksBothWays That'll make the sermon more interesting lol
I love listening to the Little Drummer Boy
Blondily · F
@SW-User nice song 🎵
Blondily · F
@Degbeme Im with ya on that 🤭
swirlie · F
I think elf on a shelf would be a good thing to use for target practice... 🏹
Blondily · F
@swirlie Glad to know that. I have 2 gnomes on my deck, they just stand there and stare out into space.
swirlie · F
Oh, I apologize ... I wasn't meaning to appear insensitive to deck gnomes.
Blondily · F
@swirlie no worries 👍 lol
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Blondily · F
@swirlie I did my homework my dear one
swirlie · F
😆... That's an AOL survey you're making reference to which is the same "fake news" source that Trump is always ragging on about!

Everything that's written as news from AOL comes from the same minds that created the National Enquirer newspaper, ffs's!
Blondily · F
@swirlie Thank you for your thoughts and opinion on this subject. Merry Christmas 🎄
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Blondily · F
@ToddpicogramakaSatan enjoy your kink 🎄

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