MarineBob · 56-60, M
Wifey will find you something to do
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MarineBob · 56-60, M
@cherokeepatti plenty
IndianaJoes · M
@MarineBob there is no wifey... I got to figure it out for myself. 😂
IndianaJoes · M
Maybe I should run an ad.... And open up my shop to assemble Christmas presents.
Sevendays · M
Road trip?
IndianaJoes · M
@Musicman hahaha, sometimes I try to see how people don't live. Sometimes I try to get away from people. I've met bears, snakes and crocodile that are friendlier.
@IndianaJoes 😳 Egads! Sadly I know how you feel. ☹️
IndianaJoes · M
@Musicman my ex-wife is about as cuddly as a porcupine.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Write some music 🎵
IndianaJoes · M
@Matt85 now that is a good idea! I suppose I'm going to have to vacuum off the dust and clean up my recording studio first. And I truly do want to write some lyrics and put some vocals into them songs that you wrote.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@IndianaJoes Awesome. Let me know which songs and I will send you them over Google Drive 😎
IndianaJoes · M
I know one thing I'm gonna do is some cookin' 🤸 ....
Everybody knows I looooove to cook.
Everybody knows I looooove to cook.
@IndianaJoes A hot dog only diet??? I don't know about that. ☹️
IndianaJoes · M
@Musicman most large families will have at least one set of parents that let their kids control the adult. As the kids grow up, well... you know the rest of that story. But there's nothing worse than raising some picky eaters. You start kids out young always giving in to that crap and it doesn't get any better. That wasn't happening in our house. My kids ate what I put on the table or they just go without eating at all. And they wont eat until the next meal. Teaches them to appreciate and eat more healthy. No I do not want to cook the hot dogs but I also don't want to stir up drama in the family during the holidays. But at least they love to say that Uncle Joes hot dogs are the best there is.... Hahaha. Well, probably not but at least they think so. The secret ingredient... They are just beef hot dogs. So they taste different from all the other hot dogs are they are used to eating. They might even be 1 1/4 % healthier if that's possible.
@IndianaJoes Lol!!! I completely understand. Drama is never fun and if you hunt for them you can find some decent quality hot dogs.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Enjoy it. What I used to do since the university was closed and most of the students left for the holidays was go to restaurants that were typically crowded during the school year that I wanted to go to but was a hassle to park etc.
Busybee333 · 31-35, F
For something indoors, learn to do something new... something creative (hand-made gifts are so special) 🎁. You get skills, fun, and create a memorable moment. 3in1 !
smiler2012 · 61-69
@IndianaJoes 😆with christmas in that time off enjoy it too the max
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
I know, right?
Busybee333 · 31-35, F
If you have the means, go to a trip and explore a city you've never been to :)

Rest and relax
OogieBoogie · F
Ahhh, you'll enjoy it 🤗
I to am on my first day of about 30 days off😊
I'm in that blissful zone of holidays stretching out limitlessly before me's glorious .
I to am on my first day of about 30 days off😊
I'm in that blissful zone of holidays stretching out limitlessly before me's glorious .