Lugwho · 61-69, M
I never really known what that means. I'll go and look it up.
@Lugwho dang I always thought it meant mischievous lol oops
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
I did today. Got woken up out of a dead sleep at 5:45 by something falling off the wall in the shower. 🙄
@thepreposterouspanda Lol, I hate when that happens.
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
@MsSwan Same. 😂 As soon as I'm vaguely conscious, my brain starts thinking and any chance of falling back asleep is shot haha.
invisiblewoman · 36-40, F
I wake up slow and sweet as can be.
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
I was born ornery 😂
Iwillwait · M
I wake up that way with a slight build up.
Fullmetal · 46-50, M
No, I let her sleep
Degbeme · 70-79, M
It`s 24/7 for me.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
I'm lucky I wake up at all.
No, I wake up in a fog.
Sevendays · M
Yes I do. Oh, wait, you said ornery. 🤭. Then, no I don’t
rinkydinkydoink · M
Hornery is more like it 🤭
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@MarbleMarvel lately I've been feeling as if society feels like a noose that is slowly tightening around our necks and I want to stop that from happening
@pripyatamusementpark I feel it too. I don't know how we're gonna make it better. Starting to understand how screwed America always was, and how we made it work as best we could, now this... I just don't know anymore.
@MarbleMarvel I don't know either but all I can do is try to help in some small way ...doing notning isn't for me
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