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Mondayschild · F
You cant call us narrow minded if we have gone to great lengths to have good teeth. You dont need an expensive dentist to brush and floss your teeth
Gumba1000 · M
Toothpaste is not expensive. There is no excuse for rotten teeth in the western world. It is not narrow minded to judge someone by that. Poor hygiene is an indicator of a very lazy person. Neither of those traits I like. Hence off putting.
Renoire · 26-30, F
It tells about the person care toward him/herself. Or maybe it's a problem they had and they regret it. Shouldn't judge instantly but it's awful still.
They wouldn't have to be perfect.. but if they're really yellow or rotten then yeah that would do it for me.
I agree if they don't brush their teeth.affording to fix broken ones is another matter.
Gumba1000 · M
That isn't expensive either. A couple of hundred pounds.
Gumba1000 · M
Dump them straight away.
pianoisland · 31-35, M
It depends on the severity, chips and staining are forgivable, missing one tooth is alright, but if they have many teeth missing, holes, and extreme discoloration I wouldn't even ask them out.
eastcoastcycler · 61-69, M
Yes. It's a turn off. Chips or uneven teeth don't bother me so much because most of us have some but other then that I can't date them.
Mondayschild · F
ooh deal breaker right off😮