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I'm exhausted because I have anemia.

Im perpetually exhausted. It's no wonder why I can't make it through a day without napping. Explains the bruising and heart palpitations too
4meAndyou · F
My mother had what was then called pernicious anemia. She had to go and get B12 shots for quite a while.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
Are you taking meds for this? Ever had it intravenously?

I feel your pain it's an on going battle for me too. 🤗 I hope you feel better soon xx
@Mellowgirl I figured it out on my own when I got the results of my last lab results in august compared to the ones from late last june for my iron count.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@NativePortlander1970 wowza who would have thunk it!
I bet they were totally flabbergasted!
It's weird working in professions like health. You carry out your lifes work to a standard of following the book, studies and experience, then one day someone comes along and boom it throws everything off.

Stressful for patient and staff.

We are so lucky to live in a 1st world.
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ScarletWitch · 26-30, F
U need to take iron pills for ur anemia. I have it too and it makes me feel better.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
You can build up your blood. It takes time and consistency. My mom has been a lifelong sufferer of anemia.

Eat loads of green leafy vegetables and meat liver, fish, potatoes to build up heme.
Take an iron supplement but be careful about taking too much iron so ask your Dr if you are on any meds.
Dried fruits like prunes, B12 and folate rich foods and exercise.
All will help. Also do you know the cause of the anemia?
Must eliminate or mitigate the root cause.
What is causing the anemia? You treating for it?
Get your dr to refer you to a hematologist to find out why

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