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Please share how you deal with panic attacks

It gets really scary when they happen
I remember one vividly from when I was about 11 or 12. Something really scared me. Never felt so terrified. My father realized I was in distress, grabbed me, comforted me. What he then said is still with me these many years later.
He told me, to stop, close my hands into fists and say out loud or think to yourself…” This will pass, I can overcome this, I can overcome this!”
In the following years rare that I had such an attack, but there were times I felt I was losing it, I followed his admonition. It always worked.
He later told me he understood I was scared. It happens to everyone, but follow what he had told me and to never lose faith in myself.
Hope this helps.
Sapio · 51-55, M
You can try box breathing. Breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and then exhale for for 4 seconds. It'll help to calm you down.
@Sapio I wish it worked for all.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
Ice cold water on my face, back of my neck and arms. The shock of it helps my breathing regulate so I can get some breaths in and out. Then it’s just a matter of riding it out.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
If they happen when I'm out I seek the easiest way to get away and go home, if they happen at home I just don't leave home and don't even go outside regardless of the weather or what else is going on.

Panic/anxiety attacks are the primary reason I don't and cannot approach attractive women in any situation and have basically abandoned dating and trying for romantic/sexual connections.

Oddly I have no problems with this at work as I've done shiftwork for 35 years now.
For me deep breathing exercises didn't work at all cause i would feel like it would make me think my anxiety is getting worse. I knew i was having bad anxiety when i would hear myself breathing hard in the first place.

What helped me is just welcoming it to pass through instead of freaking out about it coming on and trying to fight it.

I had a panic disorder. I used to think myself inro constant panic attacks because the feeling was so awful to me, the thought alone would send me

I had it so bad in High School
GunFinger · F
They said do some breathing exercises.
AgoodpeasantamI · 31-35, MNew
@GunFinger oh yes, the deep breathing exercises do help. Thank you for your reply
@GunFinger I wish it worked for all.
GunFinger · F
@Royricky09 same.
thisgenericnamehere · 36-40, M
You have to stop them before they become panic attacks.

Otherwise, box breathing and just forcing yourself to take a deep breath and remember that you can take a deep breath is the only way I've been able to reduce the panic time.
@AgoodpeasantamI @thisgenericnamehere wish it worked for all.
Reasons can be many from physical health, gut and mental issues.
Thoughts become addictive and it's difficult to snap out of em.

It's such a weird feeling when your pulse raises and your whole body is trembling from inside.
thisgenericnamehere · 36-40, M
@Royricky09 I'm familiar.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
By not having any. I don't have them
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@HumanEarth You're lucky then.
brian29715 · 46-50, M
I curl up under my weighted blanket.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
It happened with me during pregnancy and it was horrible that I can't even explain they were more anxiety attacks and all I did was praying and sleeping during the period.
Like a freight train hitting me at 200 mph

Will that do ? 🥺😩😓

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