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More rudeness at the gym!

So I work out every single day and I hate my set routine that I do every day. It's just my thing. Well I had finished all of my machines except for one bicep weight machine and there was a girl probably in her 30's sitting on the machine I needed, on her cell phone texting. I waited and she kept sitting there texting. So I walked around and did other machines, and 10 minutes later she is still sitting there texting. So I walked up to her, smiled and said " hi!! Are you almost finished on here?" And she looked at me and said "no! I' still have a few more sets!" And then she went back to sitting and texting!! So instead of walking away and making her day, I parked myself right on the machine, leaning up against it just staring at her. I figured that might work, but she kept on sitting and texting for a few more minutes and then pumped the weights 5 times and stopped. I was still standing there at the machine staring at her. This little game went on for at least another 10 minutes! Finally she rolled her eyes and got up and left. No apology, nothing.
I can't imagine ever doing that to an old lady standing there waiting to use a machine!
Teslin · M
Ahhh yes, people do that in my gym as well.
I remember one sitting on a machine and taking a call. 5 minutes later, he is still sitting there, on the same machine on that call.
Mardrae · F
@Teslin thstaff usually leaves around 8pm and no staff on Sunday at all. It was after 8pm when it happened
Teslin · M
@Mardrae It sounds like 1 of those 24/7 gyms were all members have their own key ?
Mardrae · F
@Teslin yes. I love it because I can go every day, even if it's Easter or Christmas
Mordechai · 31-35, M
I mean sometimes it can be frustrating when something's taken for your whole session, happened the other week with me.

I think you made her really uncomfortable though which is why she didn't finish. I take a 5 minute rest sometimes. Go pick up some dumbbells next time?. That's what I'd of done.
Mardrae · F
@Mordechai yeah I had already done my other weights and only had that machine left before I had to leave to get home and get ready for work. She literally set there for about 15 minutes texting. I shouldn't have to accommodate her texting.
Mordechai · 31-35, M
@Mardrae that's fair 🤟
Bowenw · 61-69, M
That was very ignorant of her.
Lilnonames · F
It's the new norm rudeness from government on down
Mardrae · F
@Lilnonames I totally agree. It's why I avoid people in real life as much as possible.
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