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GkB01 · 51-55, M
Do you enjoy doing PE in bare feet?
Mariagirl · 18-21, F
Prefer PE in barefeet to drama in barefeet as I am in the drama club and get barefoot roles now.@GkB01 @GkB01
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@Mariagirl My daughter is going to play the role of a Victorian workhouse orphan in her school productiom mext month. She has to be barefoot for that.

lizzielost · F Best Comment
Yes I did. I didn't mind except in the winter when it was cold.

I'm sorry you lost your shoes.
I have had to PE barefoot since I was 13 as I get blisters on my heels easily when wearing trainers or plimsoles.
I tried plasters and 2 pairs of socks but was still painful so got told I be better in barefeet.
Cold in winter but I suppose I still manage it easier
lizzielost · F
@happygoluckygal Better to wear nothing than have shoes that hurt your feet.
@lizzielost I suppose so, it's mainly the plimsole type of footwear that we need as they are not cushioned at the heel so tend to rub on my heel. We don't get to wear our trainers as they want to keep us all the same which I suppose is fair.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I went to boarding school, so not really possible to forget PE kit 🙂 I did gymnastics, dance and drama in bare feet anyhow.
GkB01 · 51-55, M
@SunshineGirl Always had plimsolls and trainers with you
SnowedIn · 46-50, M
Oh wow. That's harsh.

When I was in middle school if someone forgot PE clothes the PE teacher made us do in underwear.
SnowedIn · 46-50, M
@Cosmicmicrowave ...I agree. Remember though that this was 1985/1986. I'm not justifying it but times were different.

Also, that PE teacher got fired after the second time they did it.
Cosmicmicrowave · 18-21, M
@SnowedIn true
BritishPerson · 41-45, M
@SnowedIn I remember people having to do P.E in their underwear. The things that were allowed in the 1980s! It would be unthinkable to make kids do that today.
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
I wish shoes had even been an option for us, but they weren't.
Bare feet were always the rule for PE.👣😟 No shoes of any kind!
GkB01 · 51-55, M
@onewithshoes Not a fan of barefoot PE then
Cosmicmicrowave · 18-21, M
@onewithshoes oh hell no, I am so glad my school does not do that otherwise there would be a problem in the weight room
Confined · 56-60, M
Being barefoot in school was never allowed for safety reasons. At worst you got an F for the day and was not allowed to participate. That was rare though.
Cosmicmicrowave · 18-21, M
No, because that is unheard of in my school, I am in personal fitness which is like PE but with more exercise, yay 90 min of sweating :D
Katie01 · F
I'd typically just steal someone else's if I forgot mine
Cosmicmicrowave · 18-21, M
Katie01 · F
@Cosmicmicrowave you good?
Cosmicmicrowave · 18-21, M
@Katie01 your response caught me off guard lol
Ryanca · 13-15, M
I never went barefoot in PE
Linus · M
@Ryanca I know that. 😉
Ryanca · 13-15, M
@Linus Sorry I read the wrong comment lol
Linus · M
@Ryanca No problem. 😊
Jacko1971 · 51-55, M
We had to find some plimsolls in the lost property box.
GkB01 · 51-55, M
@Jacko1971 Bare feet for me
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
This was a trend on SW years ago, give it up already
Mariagirl · 18-21, F
@HannibalAteMeOut sorry I never knew
GkB01 · 51-55, M
@lizzielost You forget your footwear a lot?
lizzielost · F
@GkB01 Quite a lot
GkB01 · 51-55, M
@lizzielost Obviously a preference for you

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