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Okay totally forgot that I need to poll the sw public after a debate

My friend was at the movie theater recently, and the guy next to him was on his phone quite a bit throughout. Not talking and no noise coming from phone, just scrolling or whatever.

Would that bother you? Is it rude of someone to use their phone in a theatre if they aren't making any noise at all?
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
It could well be distracting and inconsiderate to people around the user. Even worse is those who think they can record the performance, or relay to thei friends. Apart from being a sort of theft it entails obstructing the view of anyone behind and near the instrument being waved aloft.

I suppose these are the sort of people so desperately wedded to their "smart"-phones they dare not be without it. You see them even in supposed social situations with their friends, basically isolating themselves from the company; or letting the phones interrupt their conversations. Evidently they regard their phones as more important than the performance or their friends. They need learn normal social intercourse - and how to switch the gadget "Off".

They could be worse - talking through it, like the bunch of middle-aged chatterboxes in the centre of the stalls at a concert I attended.

The worst I saw with portable 'phones, thought not in a theatre, was a dozen young people in an outdoor-activities group, realxing in a club-house in the evening. The organiser was buried in her lap-top (probably work or study), a couple seemed to be watching a film on another; the remainder were all tap-tap-tap, scroll-scroll-scroll oblivious to their companions. This hermetic nonsense in Trappist silence carried on for at least the two hours before I left the building to seek real-world company in the pub.

About twenty or thirty years ago a British R&D organisation invented a form of wall shielding paint that would block or at least attenuate 'phone signals in rooms such as auditoria. I do not know if it was ever produced commercially.


Right, lunch-break over. I have real-world things to do... SW off, PC off, and go outside into the sunshine.
Lonelyandyb · 36-40, M
It does bother me.The light from the phone is often bright and distracting.if you are going to watch a movie while on the phone do it at home and respect others who want to watch it without distractions

But I’m too wimpy to say anything to their face
Punches · 46-50, F
Couldn't he have just moved to a different seat?

If the guy with the phone wasn't making noise, I do not think I would even notice.

I don't know though cause I almost never go to theaters. Mostly because the movie turns out to be cr4p and I cannot sit still that long without a cigarette.
KatyO83 · 41-45, F
I'm quite good at tuning out distractions like that.

In a live show setting 100% rude to the performers. I just would wonder why waste your money?
pdockal · 56-60, M
If the light from the phone is bright enough is distracting & that's rude ... kinda why I'll watch @ home

Less expensive
Better seats
Pause available
My pups job me
joe438 · 61-69, M
I’d be okay with someone scrolling. Lots of tapping on the screen might be more of an issue but I’m not sure.
MellyMel22 · F
I think it could prob be distracting to see the phone lit up. It would irritate my peripheral vision 😅
kdma1l · 51-55, M
Why go to the theatre to scroll on your phone?
And yes, inconsiderate to those around him - they turn the lights down for a reason - not to encourage him to turn on hisr torch or phone screen!
It's not very considerate if the light from the phone is distracting but if it's literally making no difference then it's not much of an issue.
I heard that when we get older, we look for anything to complain about. 🤭
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
Yes, it is very rude. Use your phone at home and not the theatre.
Why did he even bother to go to there if he was going be on his phone the whole time?? Odd
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
If there’s no conversation then it wouldn’t bother me
pdockal · 56-60, M

Not even the light from the phone screen when the theater is almost pitch black except for the movie ?????
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@pdockal it wouldn’t bother me
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
hey if his flashlight ain't on I don't care
If it’s in my line of vision, it would bug the crap out of me.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Yes if they create light pollution. Why tf are they paying for a ticket when they are on the phone all the time anyway?
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
@GuyWithOpinions same. My friend told the guy after about two hours (3 hour movie) and he got completely ignored haha

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