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Made It Back To Similar Worlds

After the crazies flooding my DMs and people not who they seemed to be, I junked my account. Formerly Gnomes. Will be much more careful.
Stephie · 22-25, F
Good to see you. It is all in your hands who you allow to communicate with you and who is better left knocking at your door. Being selective who you let in does not mean that you are cold and distant, it simply means that you have become wise.

Also, everything that glitters is not gold. Scratch the surface and you may find something you don't like. With your new found wisdom, you will be able to select those that you can trust and those that are best left howling under your window.

Welcome back.
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@Stephie Well-written answer.
Stephie · 22-25, F
@MaryDreamilton well thank you so much 🙏
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@Stephie You're welcome, Stephie. It's nice to read a comment like that, especially after some of the yobbos I've encountered on this site.
WillaKissing · 56-60
Welcome back dear, I loved you as Gnomes and let me give forestgirl a gift from my farm to welcome you back! I hope it speaks to your soul!

WillaKissing · 56-60
@helenS Yes it was put in at a depth of 12 feet at its deepest spot.
helenS · 36-40, F
@WillaKissing Very nice! I live by a lake too (a lake, not a pond, it's stratified and it has a thermocline), and I love taking a swim in it.
WillaKissing · 56-60
@helenS Nice! I love lakes like that.
LadyGrace · 70-79
Welcome back!
Glad you are back. You have such a beautiful smile and expression in your profile photo.

Yes, SW is like EP in that it ranges from PG to XXXX. Here there be lions, tigers, dragons and trolls. It is good to keep a sharp weather eye out ;-)
forestgirl · 46-50, F
@VeronicaJane Thank you!☺️☺️
Stephie · 22-25, F
@MaryDreamilton If everyone had a minimum of respect for the others or their opinions, @forestgirl and probably hundreds of others would not have to take the decision to come back and give SW a second chance.

I just finished answering a question about 2nd chances that goes in that direction.

MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@Stephie Shouldn't that have been a follow-up comment to my answer? You've posted it as a new answer to the original question.
Stephie · 22-25, F
@MaryDreamilton You are absolutely right. I am still in a learning process and I do apologize if this has created confusion. Mea culpa 😔
Pretzel · 61-69, M
welcome back - and if you get a fuzzy pic in your DMS that look like a mushroom - it probably isn't.
in10RjFox · M
Welcome and hope this time you are less harassed. SW must come up with a system to restrict the no of DMs in queue and introduce a system to choose from many introductions.

Similarly there must be a restriction for sender as to just 1 new DM per day.

It also becomes difficult to reach out to people defeating the purpose of this site.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Sorry mynwrrir
in10RjFox · M
@samueltyler2 I know like I can't send pics or links. But I won't know how many have already PMd the person. By the time my message is ready, the receiver is already in a harrassed state and gets tired of replying or forms an opinion about all.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Gorgeous profile photo. I adore tress and forest and nature. Was i a friend?

helenS · 36-40, F
🌷 <== your unique, personal "Welcome back!" tulip.
Just ignore the creepos, and focus on positive experiences of which I'm sure there are plenty on the site!
deadgerbil · 22-25
Adjust your DM settings and that should no longer be an issue
forestgirl · 46-50, F
@deadgerbil I think I need to set it to approve messages. Forgot how.
deadgerbil · 22-25
@forestgirl go to your PMs and scroll down to filter settings
Teslin · M
Welcome back and I hope you have a better experience this time around.
Wol62 · 51-55, M
Welcome back, sure hope that this time round you have a more enjoyable time.
QCDog2659 · 61-69, M
Welcome back!!

You and your bright smile were missed by the non-crazies too.
Welcome back. I hope your experience is more pleasurable this go round.
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
Welcome back. Sorry you had trouble before. If it happens again, message me.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Welcome Back and I hope you don't have to suffer many fools as in the past!
JesseInTX · 51-55, M
Good to see you back! Hopefully it won’t be as bad this go around.
Ontheroad · M
Just keep the block button handy, and welcome back!
pdockal · 56-60, M
Welcome back
Hopefully it'll be a better experience this time
brian29715 · 46-50, M
Welcome back. Hopefully this round goes better for you.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Welcome back, but, even phonies can be fun!
Richard65 · M
I have been known to hug a tree once in a while... 🌳
poshnaturist · 51-55, M
Welcome back.
Love your profile picture
Domking · 61-69, M
Welcome back 💜
Gnomes do guard treasures in forests
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
🤔 i don't think i know you but welcome back
496sbc · 36-40, M
It's always nice to see u back
Tracos · 51-55, M
Good to see you back again 😉
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
I member you
Welcome back
Hi! Welcome back.
Fentonisfree · 51-55, MVIP
Welcome back 😊 greeting 😎
Sevendays · M
Yep, be selective.
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
Well welcome back!
OverTheHill · 56-60, M
Welcome back.
ElRengo · 70-79, M
Welcome back
AstroZombie · 36-40, M
Welcome back!
Nick1 · 61-69, M
Welcome back.
WayneRuss · M
Welcome back!
Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
Welcome back
Welcome back !!
Rokan · 31-35, M
I can say ive never had that problem. My DM's are safely unflooded. I think the trolls are weary of me.
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Wayne91 · 31-35, M
Now that you have switched your picture, your inbox could be flooded again lol 😜
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
you seem to have restricted DM to only those you sent to first
Wayne91 · 31-35, M
Welcome back!
Welcome back.
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
Welcome back 🙏
Convivial · 26-30, F
Good idea...
jackson55 · M
Best of luck.

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