i think just bragging rights
I don't even know how the coin system works
I think if youre nice you get coins, and if youre a bellend you don't? I think that's the gyst of the coin thing but the Best comment I don't know lol
I don't even know how the coin system works
I think if youre nice you get coins, and if youre a bellend you don't? I think that's the gyst of the coin thing but the Best comment I don't know lol
View 7 more replies »
ArtieKat · M
@TinFoilHat Even better than your tinfoil hat
bijouxbroussard · F
@TinFoilHat That term always makes me laugh, too. 😄
bijouxbroussard · F
@ArtieKat That is so perfect ! 😆
being · 36-40, F
They get a BA 😻 !!!!!!
being · 36-40, F
@TinFoilHat too late for this thread, you gotta begin a new one 😁
TinFoilHat · F
@being Most incorrect question award.
being · 36-40, F
@TinFoilHat I'm still waiting for a BA 😻
CheekyBadger · M

some sort of 'sw' points, I think. probably raises their 'internal to sw, hidden from everything, but still part of the secret sauce that gives coins and makes you more visible across the site' algorithm
bookerdana · M
🎤What do we have for our winners Johnny?? A from Tin Cutlery and the home version of similar worlds 👏
BeJeweled · 61-69, F
Its just a nice compliment when you receive it.
Lonelyandyb · 36-40, M
BA? Bachelor of Arts?😂
TinFoilHat · F
@Lonelyandyb At the University of SW
JustEd · 41-45, M
When a best answer, an angel gets it’s wings
TinFoilHat · F
@JustEd Awwww that's cute!
NerdyPotato · M
Not directly, but it may improve their reputation a little so they can react to comments, send messages, delete posts, etc. a little more before having to wait a while.
TinFoilHat · F
@NerdyPotato How's your reputation? 😆
NerdyPotato · M
@TinFoilHat only the admins know exactly, but I don't run into limits very often, so probably fairly good.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
There is a section in the accounts somewhere that would give Awards for Most replies, Stories, Posts and Best Answers. But what all that amounts to 🤷♂️
SnailTeeth · 36-40, M
When you give likes and BA, I believe it becomes SW Coins.
I could be wrong.
I could be wrong.
exchrist · 31-35
In Norway u used to get a sword with ur degree
bijouxbroussard · F
@exchrist With a teaching degree I could’ve used that ! 😳
GLITTER · 36-40, F
You get lifetime vip
GLITTER · 36-40, F
@TinFoilHat 12 anonymous gifts
TinFoilHat · F
@GLITTER Yesssss or reveal a square on someone's photo (like Catchphrase).
GLITTER · 36-40, F
@TinFoilHat an online Rubicks cube of hell
meJess · F
Depends if you are accredited 😊
exchrist · 31-35
A robe and a bill at the least
Notification! 🙄
exchrist · 31-35
Barolium? Not sure I follow u
Pretzel · 61-69, M
just satisfaction
valobasa4ever · F
BA = Best Attitude ! 🤔 BORED ATTITUDE ?

Bragging rights
pride49 · 31-35, M
Well I'm not going to thank you for something obviously deserved😌
IamBack · 31-35, M
When I give people BO or BS then I get a response 😌
ArtieKat · M
When you give people BA do they get anything?
A warm cosy feeling for being such a smartarse! 🤣
BA as in Bachelor of Arts.
TinFoilHat · F
@SW-User I totally have the power to bestow that upon people. 🎓
*Whispers* I'm talking about Best Answer on SW posts.
*Whispers* I'm talking about Best Answer on SW posts.
bijouxbroussard · F
Not really. Some feel a sense of accomplishment and recognition, which is always nice, though.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
$100 in their JPMorgan chase bank account.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Best Ass 🏆🍑🏆

Bad Attitude?

@SW-User ...ha! That's Bad Ass 😂
Adogslife · 61-69, M
Boobs and Ass, yeah, I start to pay attention.
Renaci · 36-40
TinFoilHat · F
@Renaci Hopefully you got some happiness earlier. 😊🌻
Renaci · 36-40
@TinFoilHat Awww:3 I did actually. Like literally. It always good when you can make someone happy or laugh or think in some way:p
TinFoilHat · F
@Musicman Whoop! Participation Prize!