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we are dwindling. wioth each week, there are fewer and fewer here

currently only about 103 people on line world wide.
I have watched these numbers fall.
it seems, to be accelerating

maybe someone better make a new place,, and find a way to store all out stories like EP did till SW Erased them, and many of those we made here.
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Martha Stewart voice..

Ppl detaching from the web by is a good thing

Pretzel · 61-69, M
It is also the holidays. Lots of people with tons of things to do.

But we are like an airport...some would say a toilet in a bus station.
People come and go for various stays.
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Where do you see those numbers?

It was inevitable once they made everything public, changed the feed and removed the ability to keep posts within groups.

I wonder how SW now ranks against the Knitting site in the US social media rankings 🤔
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Tinkles I would also like to know where I can see the number of users.
🎵Thaaaaaaanks for the memorieeeeees
Of catfishes and jokes
And Budwick hating wokes
Lava made us smile with a sunset from Twin Oaks
Thank you, for thaaaaaaat...🎵🎵
@robingoodfellow That is a sad song! When EP was executed, it was chaos. People said their good byes. Some were farewells. Contacts were exchanged. Some ended without notice as some missed the deadline. I only could download 250 poems. A near decade of creations destroyed. Lost in the abyss of the web. I cried. Some pieces were me. My very best of my heart.
Satyr, dear heart, can you find another refuge for us? Before it is too late?
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@PoetryNEmotion I’m just getting my stride I don’t want this place to end. ☹️😣
@2cool4school Babe, I hear you. I am thinking something positive will happen.
Bubbles · 36-40, F
yep, I also notice a dwindling amount of new content. I used to refresh the main feed and new things popped up every time I refresh, now will take several minutes to have something new
@Bubbles the number of people online at any give time has fallen off a lot the last year
sometimes not even 100.
glad you are still here.
kentex35 · 100+, M
I lost all my stuff too. They kept saying it telling how to recoup it but it never came. Not they remember all the groups I followed telling I need to check them out.
I will sooner or later like a monkey in front of a typewriter eventually he'll type out the entire works of Shakespeare if he lives long enough. Rumor has it...
down to 98 WORLD WIDE by the tiime i posted this
go ahead.. do your thing
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Hmm, where do you look to find the numbers?
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2cool4school · 46-50, F
@canusernamebemyusername And gone Mr. @Honko is gone so I count that as a win for the rest of us here and SW as a whole.
canlem · 70-79
Know of any sites similar to this ?
2cool4school · 46-50, F
Def noticed that it’s a shrinking colony on here.
All sites like these die out in time it happens to them all
Alison · 18-21, F
This place is rubbish now
@Alison I am sorry of it too, Liked it a lot. specially at first but TBH a lot of trolls and incels and proselytizers have chase off many fine folks. especially those who are sensitive, and shy or just calm and interested.
thanks for your participation
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Damn. This site is dying. All my circle contact me for private email. Not losing any of you like last time. No grieving. Gather my poetry. Closely. Fuck. Knew it.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I'll tell you what's going on. Same shit that happened to Yahoo. Not enough is being done to silence the racists and other extreme trolls, and good people are being driven away.
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