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Hello from Carla

Hello everyone!

I'm Carla, a spirited 79-year-old professor and scientist, but don't let the numbers fool you—I'm just getting started on this marvelous journey called life! With a heart devoted to my faith, I find joy in every sunrise, every moment spent with loved ones, and every discovery yet to unfold.

Speaking of loved ones, I'm blessed with four incredible daughters who have brought immeasurable love and laughter into my life, along with seven adorable grandchildren who fill my days with endless delight. While my beloved husband, Dave, may have departed this world seven years ago, his spirit lives on in the cherished memories we created together.

Beyond my academic pursuits, you'll often find me in the company of my faithful companions, Tiger and Jack, my two mischievous yet lovable canine pals. Gardening, trekking, and traversing the globe are among my favorite pastimes, each adventure fueling my passion for exploration and discovery.

A fitness enthusiast at heart, I thrive on long runs and invigorating swims, relishing in the vitality that comes from keeping both body and soul in motion. But it's not all sweat and strain—I also find solace in the melody of song and the rhythm of salsa dancing, letting loose and embracing the sheer joy of movement.

As a self-professed foodie, I'm always on the hunt for tantalizing new flavors to tickle my taste buds, though I must confess, my culinary skills leave much to be desired. Nonetheless, I relish the opportunity to gather with friends over a delicious meal or a casual drink at our favorite pub, where lively conversation and laughter flow as freely as the libations.

While I may indulge in the occasional smoke, I do so with mindfulness, recognizing the importance of moderation in all things. And speaking of moderation, I'm currently sharing my home with Archie, a budding scholar in the final throes of his PhD—a constant reminder of the boundless potential that lies within each of us.

In addition to my passions, I am deeply committed to social justice and activism. A staunch advocate for raising climate change awareness, I tirelessly champion environmental causes, LGBTQ+ rights, and the voices of the oppressed and marginalized. I stand firmly against racial and gender discrimination, and I am a fierce proponent of women's empowerment, believing wholeheartedly in the strength and resilience of every woman.

Kindness is the cornerstone of my ethos, and I strive to be a beacon of support for those less fortunate, lending a helping hand whenever and wherever it's needed.

In essence, I'm a woman who embraces life with open arms, savoring every moment and sharing its abundance with those fortunate enough to join me on this extraordinary journey. So, to all my fellow SW community members, if you ever find yourself in need of a companion for a trek through the wilderness or a dance beneath the stars, look no further—feel free to follow or send a friend request! I'll be there, ready to seize the day with a smile on my face and a song in my heart.

Cheers to life's adventures, and may we embrace them all with boundless enthusiasm!

Warm regards,
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Hi. Welcome to SW. :)
Carlam · 70-79, F
@Matt85 Thank you kindly for the warm welcome! It's a pleasure to join this vibrant community. Looking forward to engaging with fellow members and embarking on meaningful conversations. Cheers to new beginnings!
ArtieKat · M
Welcome to the asylum, from another septuagenarian! Enjoy your stay, Carla 🤗
Carlam · 70-79, F
@ArtieKat Ah, greetings from one resident of the asylum to another! Cheers to embracing the madness, my fellow septuagenarian friend! 🤗
WrngWlf · 46-50, F
Wow! You are a force to be reconned with. Thank you for sharing
Carlam · 70-79, F
@WrngWlf Thank you so much for your kind words! It's truly uplifting to connect with fellow souls who appreciate the journey and the passion behind it. Let's keep shining our lights and making waves together! 🌟
Shallowaters · 36-40, M
Hi Carla how ru
Shallowaters · 36-40, M
@Carlam I guess am just like you and yes being happy is the magical spell to stay alive for longer and healthy
Shallowaters · 36-40, M
Bring it on
Carlam · 70-79, F
@Shallowaters Well, well, well, kindred spirit! They say happiness is contagious, so I'm counting on you to lead the charge in spreading that magic far and wide. Consider me ready to follow your lead and out-happy even the happiest of folks. Game on!
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
You are living Life and Love Dogs. Enough said....and LGBTQ+ friendly. Welcome to SW
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
@Carlam Oh....didn't I tell you, I am from middle earth and well acquainted with the mystical realm. Kia Ora. 🇳🇿
Carlam · 70-79, F
@KiwiBird Well, I must say, meeting someone from Middle Earth is quite the unexpected delight! Kia Ora to you too! 🌟 Let's hope Gandalf doesn't summon us for another adventure anytime soon. Cheers to our mystical encounters in this online realm!
ArtieKat · M
@KiwiBird, @Carlam I always thought that Kia Ora was that weak but vibrant orange squash drink they used to sell in the cinemas of my youth 🤔
@Carlam My art of swimming you ask 🤔
Behold !
My resume Madame 😌😏


Carlam · 70-79, F
@Iknowyourouttheresomewhere What a poetic journey through the depths of the sea! Your words paint a vivid picture of the powerful allure and mystery of the ocean. It's like diving into a whirlpool of emotions and dreams. I must say, your metaphorical swim through the waves has left me thoroughly captivated. But I can't help but wonder, amidst the depths of your poetic prowess, have you ever come across the mischievous tides of a swimming pool? 🌊💫
@Carlam Thank you 🙏. No I don’t like chlorinated pools 😟 to many germs 🦠. lol
Sevendays · M
Welcome to SW. Your positivity is what's needed here.
Carlam · 70-79, F
@Sevendays Thank you for the warm welcome! Positivity is my middle name—well, not literally, but it might as well be! 😄 Here's to spreading good vibes and brightening up everyone's day. Let's make this journey on SW one to remember! 🌟
Sevendays · M
@Carlam I look forward to seeing your posts then. You are a great addition to the community. Reminds me of seeing a good neighbor move in next door.
Carlam · 70-79, F
@Sevendays Thank you! I'm excited to be a part of this community and share in the camaraderie. Here's to many enriching conversations and shared experiences ahead!
Ontheroad · M
What a warm and spirited introduction! Welcome aboard or little ship as we navigate life!
Carlam · 70-79, F
@Ontheroad Your words certainly set a cheerful tone for our voyage through life! Thank you for the warm welcome aboard our little ship. Let's navigate the waves together, with laughter as our compass and kindness as our anchor. Smooth sailing ahead!
val70 · 51-55
Personally, I come here and there, and too often I'm disappointed. But sure, welcome
Carlam · 70-79, F
@val70 Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm sorry to hear about your past disappointments, but hopefully, here's to new beginnings and brighter days ahead!
val70 · 51-55
@Carlam Ah yes, there's indeed the future. Good luck!
I love your post, Carla. Glad you're here. 😊
Carlam · 70-79, F
@PhoenixPhail Thank you so much for your kind words! It's heartwarming to know that my post resonates with you. I'm thrilled to be a part of this community, and I look forward to meaningful connections and uplifting conversations! 😊
@Carlam You're so welcome. Meaningful connections and uplifting conversations are exactly what I'm looking for. 😊
Carlam · 70-79, F
@PhoenixPhail Thank you kindly! I couldn't agree more—Let the good times and great chats roll! 😊
Julien · 36-40, M
Welcome ,
This place needs more people like you !
Carlam · 70-79, F
@Julien Thank you for the warm welcome! It's truly heartening to hear that. Let's roll up our sleeves and make this place even brighter together!
IBHappy · F
Beautiful introduction. Pleasure to meet you.
Carlam · 70-79, F
@IBHappy Thank you ever so much for your kind words! Meeting you here feels like discovering a hidden gem on a sunny day—a delightful surprise! 😊 Looking forward to sharing some wonderful conversations ahead!
Galanr40 · 61-69, M
That's some entrance.....welcome...
Carlam · 70-79, F
@Galanr40 Why, thank you! They say first impressions are everything, so I thought I'd make it memorable. Delighted to be here, and looking forward to adding a touch of flair to the conversation!
Lostmouse · 13-15, F
I hope I can be like you 🥰
Carlam · 70-79, F
@Lostmouse Thank you for your sweet message! Just be yourself, and you'll shine brightly in your own unique way. We're all on this journey of growth and discovery together. 😊
Lostmouse · 13-15, F
@Carlam we are I'm looking forward to see where my journey goes
ElRengo · 70-79, M
Carlam · 70-79, F
@ElRengo Thank you mate :)
Domking · 61-69, M
Welcome to SW
Carlam · 70-79, F
@Domking Thanks for the warm welcome to SW! Excited to hop aboard this online adventure with such friendly sailors like yourself.
Carlam · 70-79, F
@ElwoodBlues Thank you 🤗
Hello and welcome. It's very comforting to see someone of great faith here. Hope your journey on Similar Worlds will bring you what you are looking for
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Hello Carla, I'm a goofy weird person. That is good hearted farmer and I welcome you to SW
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Welcome to SW. I do hope you enjoy yourself here.
sweetboyhere · 31-35, M
please message me
Welcome to SW ! 😊
Carlam · 70-79, F
@bijouxbroussard Thank you for the warm welcome! It feels like stepping into a cozy café filled with fascinating conversations and endless cups of inspiration. Let the journey begin! 😊✨
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