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I definite it as a hate movement
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@SW-User You are aware that choices are affected by our environment. Socio-economical conditions have a big impact on the choices we make. Accountability is not unimportant in general but you always have to percieve it through the lens of the society and the system a person lives under before screaming accountability. Especially Americans seem to love that word when talking about poor people.
Athletes are paid way too much and they could at least even out the gap and womens sports gets much less attention and support.
Athletes are paid way too much and they could at least even out the gap and womens sports gets much less attention and support.
@SW-User he doesn’t want to see it any other way. It’s fear.
@SW-User No one owes you anything though isn't that a popular feminist saying as well? You either show up or shut up. It's been that way for men forever and continues to be so that's why I'm very much against this idea that men live on easy mode and that is very much an idea perpetuated by feminists.
Men are discarded when they don't perform while women (Feminists) get to cry patriarchy while at the same time under the protection of the very society they deem to be so against them. You're a man and you don't perform, you're discarded by the whole of society. You are nothing until you prove yourself and if you can't due to whatever socio-economic challenges you're facing tough luck. It's game over and you know what, no one cares, not even the feminists that claim to be fighting for men too.
You're a women, in the west and the world is your oyster if you make good choices but if you fail for whatever reason, you have government programs, shelters and women only initiatives to fall back on even..... a man (I know🤢🤮). I can only define feminism as a hate movement because it is extremely blind to men and their suffering while claiming men to be the root cause of their problems, feminize little boys only to discard them later because weak men cannot make it in this world. Have fooled women to believe they don't need a man in the home which has led to terrible outcomes for kids in single parent households. They have fostered a gender war that won't stop, all this and let's kill all men because they're all toxic.
Men are discarded when they don't perform while women (Feminists) get to cry patriarchy while at the same time under the protection of the very society they deem to be so against them. You're a man and you don't perform, you're discarded by the whole of society. You are nothing until you prove yourself and if you can't due to whatever socio-economic challenges you're facing tough luck. It's game over and you know what, no one cares, not even the feminists that claim to be fighting for men too.
You're a women, in the west and the world is your oyster if you make good choices but if you fail for whatever reason, you have government programs, shelters and women only initiatives to fall back on even..... a man (I know🤢🤮). I can only define feminism as a hate movement because it is extremely blind to men and their suffering while claiming men to be the root cause of their problems, feminize little boys only to discard them later because weak men cannot make it in this world. Have fooled women to believe they don't need a man in the home which has led to terrible outcomes for kids in single parent households. They have fostered a gender war that won't stop, all this and let's kill all men because they're all toxic.
Torsten · 36-40, M
Modern Feminism is a toxic cesspool of hateful women who blame everything wrong in their lives on men instead of taking any accountability for their own actions
Torsten · 36-40, M
@SW-User the supposed pay gap for example
@Torsten the gap itself exists but depending on the country it's rather minor. The discussion is more about the influence it has and whether it has an influence on womens position in society or not.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@SW-User I dont agree. I am sure in certain places women are paid less compared to men, but not where most talks of pay gaps take place.
what about the #metoo movement? started out as a actual good movement and made a lot of men pay for the things they did to women, but soon enough it got twisted and was just used as a weapon against men, so much so that it started to negatively impact women when it comes to work.
Modern radical feminism I will now say to be fair has had a negative influence on society
what about the #metoo movement? started out as a actual good movement and made a lot of men pay for the things they did to women, but soon enough it got twisted and was just used as a weapon against men, so much so that it started to negatively impact women when it comes to work.
Modern radical feminism I will now say to be fair has had a negative influence on society
Feminism is fighting for women to have rights equal to men.. it stems from positions in society that used to treat women as someone with less rights than a cow.. so.. obviously some women weren't pleased with that.. and have fought long and hard for us to have rights..
Pfuzylogic · M
How do you define the legitimate and illegitimate parts of the structure in order to defy them for the better?
being · 36-40, F
@Pfuzylogic whatever seem to be blocking my natural, good-willed inclinations and also whatever blocks my progress after legitimate
and fair effort is illegitimate I guess.
Whatever encourages me to shrink, take less space, whoever encourages in me pretentious manipulations in order to obtain basic integrity, laughs in inappropriate rude even content, when things work in favour of someone despite essential values,
little subtle blurry things like that.
and fair effort is illegitimate I guess.
Whatever encourages me to shrink, take less space, whoever encourages in me pretentious manipulations in order to obtain basic integrity, laughs in inappropriate rude even content, when things work in favour of someone despite essential values,
little subtle blurry things like that.
Pfuzylogic · M
@being I like your explanation in determining that which is right.
I really appreciate your openness.
I really appreciate your openness.
popmol · 26-30, M
feminism is for the same rights. and applying those rights into society.
popmol · 26-30, M
i think modern feminist movements hurt itself
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
Same. Just want to escape this mess to a better place.
Convivial · 26-30, F
You mean the chains unmasked?
Glassysky · 26-30, M
Im fine w the patriatchy tbh
tf does that even mean
speak ingesh pls
speak ingesh pls