Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Know when to walk away.
That says more than any words you could come up with.
That says more than any words you could come up with.
I do and honestly I just limit my contact with that person
I remind myself that people who are in my business are not going about their own business as they should. They are essentially giving my life more importance than their own. Therefore, I can ascertain that not only are they fearful of confronting their messy life, but they're threatened at how peaceful and content I am. Being the cowards that they are, I go about my business, thankful that I'm in control of my emotions and do not feel the need to attack others. They will get what they deserve one day.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
If you catch him just once, really hard, in the nuts, he'll remember.
Just tell him why and to never do it again.
If it's a woman, just tell her to, "STFU, Will you?" That will usually silence an instigator.
Just tell him why and to never do it again.
If it's a woman, just tell her to, "STFU, Will you?" That will usually silence an instigator.