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Let's talk about the online reputation trashers.....

I've was on EP for 2 years and here since day one... although I left 3 times, deleted completely only to come back.

Over the years, I USED to be a flirt, and yeah I've had one too many online flings... over the years i have heart my heart broken by women on here, whom there after were trashing me... called me psycho, crazy, insane, why? Because I got hurt when they dumped me for someone younger or more cool ones and because I believed their lies about them caring about me and believed them saying I love you to me.. words that are being taking so very too lightly and said way too easily online and for them saying they wanted a relationship with me. I am an affectionate dependent, i asume myself, but Ive never used someone nor have I have ever forced someone to be with me that didn't want too, ive never hurt someone willingly nor have I ever played someone just for the fun of it like a few did me.

I've have had some people trash me, like i was an horrible person.. and still to this day, i know a few, whom Ive never been with, but whom I know had feelings for me who are trashing me on here .

I havent flirted with anyone on here for at least 3 years because i was in a relationship with someone from here, yes who I had met in person, but seriously I dont think I will ever flirt here again...after what came to light recently concerning a friend of mine

Listen, its very easy to accuse someone of flirting inappropriately with you and being overly sexual with you, to try to tarnish their reputation... its easy to say, i didnt want to, i never was into her... but yet, screenshot of conversations proves otherwise..why trash someone's name for something you were into and responding with very much interest in the advances.... why accuse someone of being a predator when it was mutual deep flirt.

It sad how people love to put down others, and will believe words over proofs... it happened to me so many times, i know exactly how my friend feels... I mean what is it? Cause you know deep down you can never be with this person irl? Is it jealousy? Is it cause you think it will make you the cool kid? It is because you need attention? Why, what does it bring you to trash someone like that? Yeah Ive seen the screen shots... there was NO *predator* , there was NO *non willing* flirting, there was NO forcing anyone... it was *MUTUAL* flirting and sexual talk exchange...

If you dont wanna be flirted with then dont PM someone that does, dont flirt back on comments, just leave and or stay silent, because if you are flirting back, makes you an active party of the conversation...dont be a jerk and assume your part instead of destroying someone's reputation
CassandraSissy · 26-30, T
I try not to get in to too much drama.....I'm trans and, perhaps against the perceived norm, drama bores me to tears! There's a place for it...usually the BBC or Netflix, you know what i'm saying?

The whole he says/she says stuff reminds me of the playground and...well...aren't we all suppose to be grown ups? Trashing someone in public, unless it's very odd views (Trump, Anti-Vaxxers, genderphobes etc..) ,is something that I try to stay clear of.

@SimplyMeChantou, you're a lovely person so I'm sorry to hear this crap that you have to deal with....

*Sigh* I guess people just want to look cool or hang out with the big dogs.....but, as we all know, there's always a dog bigger just around the, why do that? Be yourself, don't care about coolness - one person's coolness is another's 'being a dickhead..' - and just be yourself.....

*Closes book* ...and so endeth the chapter from the book of 'Cassandra'....

PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Well said Cassandra!👍😘
Straylight · 31-35, F
I think it depends on if there is a status or power discrepancy. Sometimes a person will think it better to play along then risk ire.
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
I don't know how anyone could trash are one of the nicest ppl on here.
Miram · 31-35, F
I agee.

Except in the cases where there is huge age gap. Just because someone that is technically still a teen flirt back, it does not mean it is alright. Legal does not equal moral

A 19 years old can later realize they were being pressured by 30+ person.

Other than that, people should just move on and stop gossiping about stupid crap.
@Miram This is a very fair point, and something that I not only have regrets about but will color my actions from here on out. I guess that I figured it wasn’t a big deal because we are just playing around in text. Clearly I deeply erred. Be safe & well.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
Well that's lot I suppose. I bet you type fast, don't you? Hammered all that out in less than 60 seconds I'm guessing. Good to let those feelings out too. I think I'm often surprised at how surprised others are when internet relationships get unplugged. I am absolutely in a rock solid long relationship and I'll flirt with you any darn time the fancy strikes you!
kodiac · 22-25, M
It just adds to it when it's well known the person being trashed is struggling with major issues apart from the drama.
Ferric67 · M
I'm too aloof to realize when someone is flirting with me
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