Miram · 31-35, F
It is one thing I like about my people. They are "savages" who plant a tree for every birth..And the child has to care for it when they're of age... And if it dies, they plant another.
Mine is cherries tree planted by my grandparents.
I think it's beautiful tradition.
Mine is cherries tree planted by my grandparents.
I think it's beautiful tradition.
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L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@Miram As weird as this sounds; for the human diet, other human meat is the best from a biological & dietary perspective. Lean, low in fat; add to this the fact that the human body cannot take on 'human' cholesterol thus reducing our own levels. Pound for pound it's the best meat for consumption of all / most animal species.
With the exception of the brain which can develop a natural parasite to protect itself from consumption known as 'Kuru' the majority of the human body can be eaten.
The human body it should be noted is somewhat like venison in texture & has a strong / heavy, but rich veal taste.
Many times through history cannibalism has been practiced. Some for food, some for ceremonial / funerary rights. There are many rituals associated with this for funerals; in some countries bodies are buried for 1yr before being re-exhumed & the remains crushed & ground by pummels & rocks before being mixed with flour & spices & baked into bread & cakes to be eaten by relatives. It's their belief of the souls continuation not only within them (a literal form of consumption) but also they believe the soul is trapped by the skeletal remains & by doing so it allows them to be released.
Many are also unaware the in most places cannibalism is not illegal. There is no known laws which actually prohibit it. There are "other" laws which are associated & go hand in hand such as "improper disposal of a corpse / cadaver" or "desecration of remains" etc. but none for actually eating. There is also a legal aspect with the death itself. If you were to kill them & eat them; it would simply be murder. You cannot by law have a cannibalism funeral though as being eaten by your relatives is not a legally sanctioned way for disposal.
You can "legally" remove parts of your body while being alive & feed it to others or yourself...strictly with their knowledge & acceptance; this has been done a few times itself in history.
With the exception of the brain which can develop a natural parasite to protect itself from consumption known as 'Kuru' the majority of the human body can be eaten.
The human body it should be noted is somewhat like venison in texture & has a strong / heavy, but rich veal taste.
Many times through history cannibalism has been practiced. Some for food, some for ceremonial / funerary rights. There are many rituals associated with this for funerals; in some countries bodies are buried for 1yr before being re-exhumed & the remains crushed & ground by pummels & rocks before being mixed with flour & spices & baked into bread & cakes to be eaten by relatives. It's their belief of the souls continuation not only within them (a literal form of consumption) but also they believe the soul is trapped by the skeletal remains & by doing so it allows them to be released.
Many are also unaware the in most places cannibalism is not illegal. There is no known laws which actually prohibit it. There are "other" laws which are associated & go hand in hand such as "improper disposal of a corpse / cadaver" or "desecration of remains" etc. but none for actually eating. There is also a legal aspect with the death itself. If you were to kill them & eat them; it would simply be murder. You cannot by law have a cannibalism funeral though as being eaten by your relatives is not a legally sanctioned way for disposal.
You can "legally" remove parts of your body while being alive & feed it to others or yourself...strictly with their knowledge & acceptance; this has been done a few times itself in history.
Miram · 31-35, F
Nah, they are the same in nutritional value depending on the health of whatever you're eating. But if you want to eat me, I will just go ahead and tell ya, make sure to cook me well.
Who knows what kind of diseases I harbor with a profession like mine 😋
other human meat is the best from a biological & dietary perspective
Nah, they are the same in nutritional value depending on the health of whatever you're eating. But if you want to eat me, I will just go ahead and tell ya, make sure to cook me well.
Who knows what kind of diseases I harbor with a profession like mine 😋
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
"Britain's industry and populace uses at least 50 million tonnes of timber a year. More than 75% of this is softwood, and Britain's forests cannot supply the demand; in fact, less than 10% of the timber used in Britain is home-grown."
On the other hand, over here in North America, we import very little lumber...
On the other hand, over here in North America, we import very little lumber...
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@wildbill83 Unfortunately it always comes down to cost. But the more you do things the cheaper they are. Pineapples used to be 'rented' to show wealth.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@L33TH4X0R but anyways, back to the original topic... if people were really concerned about "saving the forests", they'd quit buying all this cheap, mass produced, ikea, wal-mart, etc. shit made from processed lumber/MDF, much of which is sourced from virgin forests/jungles (and in many cases, logged illegally from national parks/forests) and buy locally produced furniture made from locally sourced renewable timber that's actually built to last...
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@wildbill83 I agree. I certainly do. But as you stated it comes down to "cost". An MDF coffee table is £30, but an Oak table is £200.

I have participated directly in reforestation efforts and reforestation efforts are taking off in places like England (which has lost the vast majority of its forest in the past few centuries) and California (which has lost huge amounts of forest due to wildfires). The importance of trees can't be forgotten. We can use lumber in a more responsible way, we can replant forests when they've been cut down, there's a lot we can do.
CopperCicada · M
It's interesting to live in a time and place where one's reverence for nature is considered political divisive, religious apostasy, economically sabotaging, socially degenerate, and as a man, effeminate.
Gary Snyder says again and again to find one's place and live in it. I don't think many people really have a "place", live in a "place". They live separate from a place. Despite a place. In battle with a place.
I've resigned to the fact that I'll live to see ecotastrophe. I already see it in many places around here...
Gary Snyder says again and again to find one's place and live in it. I don't think many people really have a "place", live in a "place". They live separate from a place. Despite a place. In battle with a place.
I've resigned to the fact that I'll live to see ecotastrophe. I already see it in many places around here...
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Calm tf down and read slowly so you learn something useful.
There are now and have been roughly 200 times more than that 15.3 billion tree number that are not cut each year.
Forestry clearing is regularly carried out to keep most of the big forests healthy, encourage wildlife to inhabit what might otherwise be a thicket so dense that it becomes useless to larger animals.
Logging tracts in modern western countries practice a 20 year rotaional clearing of wooded areas called clear and replant. That way they don't strip the land of all the wood and put themselves out of business.
So you see. Not a thing to worry about.
There are now and have been roughly 200 times more than that 15.3 billion tree number that are not cut each year.
Forestry clearing is regularly carried out to keep most of the big forests healthy, encourage wildlife to inhabit what might otherwise be a thicket so dense that it becomes useless to larger animals.
Logging tracts in modern western countries practice a 20 year rotaional clearing of wooded areas called clear and replant. That way they don't strip the land of all the wood and put themselves out of business.
So you see. Not a thing to worry about.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
@SteelHands precisely correct
HopelessGuy · M
We have to atleast stop using items made of wood much as possible.
May be switch to something similar or recycled plastic.
Also we need control over production of humans.😅
May be switch to something similar or recycled plastic.
Also we need control over production of humans.😅
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
You do not set the conditions upon which I write.
True, but...“That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@SteelHands Not if your lines are as deluded as you seem to be. You're adding nothing to society except numbers.
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
It's where you get most of your ideas from apparently. You've not backed up a single claim you've made.
Put your bought studies where the sun doesn't shine
It's where you get most of your ideas from apparently. You've not backed up a single claim you've made.
deadgerbil · 26-30
Yup. And so many people break out in hives whenever anything 'green'/pro environment is discussed
deadgerbil · 26-30
@L33TH4X0R pretty good pursuit. Sucks that trees, etc take so long to grow in general.
The UK really did a number on their ancient forests, with like 5% of it remaining
The UK really did a number on their ancient forests, with like 5% of it remaining
Peaches · F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Well the system needs to change, it's a two headed snake that can't be trusted.
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@deadgerbil It's sickening; Labour was on about Chanctonbury Ring & how they wanted to build on the green-belt some 25,000 homes.
Then we have the BS now with the bollocks HS2 rail-line destroying ancient woodland.
Then we have the BS now with the bollocks HS2 rail-line destroying ancient woodland.
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@l33th4xor] i agree we are desroying this planet by milking the resources toy the max . destroying the enviroment and planet in the process through corporate greed .
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@smiler2012 Humanity could live in harmony with the Earth & not rape it constantly of it's natural resources; but the mighty £££ is greater than peoples desire to do the right thing.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@L33TH4X0R exactly man builds man destroys
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
Trees grow back... but plastic is forever.
For all the people who love to eat meat, I wonder if you all eat this:
- liver
- kidney
- pancreas/spleen
- brain
- testicles
For all the folks who complain about climate change, I wonder how often you use your air conditioner? How much TV do you watch?
Meme's are nice.
But how are any of you contributing to making things better?
For all the people who love to eat meat, I wonder if you all eat this:
- liver
- kidney
- pancreas/spleen
- brain
- testicles
For all the folks who complain about climate change, I wonder how often you use your air conditioner? How much TV do you watch?
Meme's are nice.
But how are any of you contributing to making things better?
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@JoeyFoxx There are several things driving climate change. Humanity causes little to no effect on the overall planet. People routinely use the theory that the ice caps are melting & the planet is heating. It's also doing the same thing on other planets; is humanity heating them also?
The ice caps are melting & the planet is warming because the planet is exiting from the last ice age. People blame CO2 when in fact the highest levels of CO2 that has been measured to date actually equates to 415ppl; that is tiny. The sky & atmosphere is HUGE & 415ppm is nothing. Also on the subject of CO2 levels; fossil records attest to the fact that not too long ago the oxygen was double it is now & CO2 has already been as high as 4000ppm...over 10x the level it is now; guess what, the world didn't end!
These same idiots who claim the world will flood!!! When the ice caps melt are idiots & scaremongers of the highest order. The Ice caps were formed at the last ice age. In old times Antarctica was a tropical rainforest. People seem to focus on the size of the ice caps (big), & ignore the bleeding obvious; the size of the oceans (fucking huge).
If the ice caps melted tomorrow all at once; yeah it could be disastrous, not because the coasts will flood. The ice caps melting would actually only add a few inches to sea levels on a global scale. What would be bad is the cooling of the water could disrupt the oceans natural currents as well as the desalination process.
Cows produce more CO2 than humans do. (most through burping)
The 5 biggest ships on Earth produce more CO2 than all the cars on Earth combined.
Deforestation adds billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. A tree absorbs it & stores it. When it's cut down & dies, the CO2 is then released back. If you stop cutting trees down, you reduce the CO2 levels.
Hemp actually consumes CO2 & doesn't release it back. Acre for acre it also absorbs more CO2 than trees do. New trees must wait to develop before they start capturing CO2 but Hemp doesn't need to wait. With Hemp you also get 4 seasons of continual growth per year. You can cut it for use & it will carry on re-growing unlike trees.
If "global warming" was a thing they'd kill the cows, stop cutting down trees, plant hemp, stop making plastics & stop polluting...their 'solution' is "TAX" proving to everyone but the idiots that it's a scam.
What are they going to do with cash? Is mother nature holding them to ransom?
Cash is not a solution.
The ice caps are melting & the planet is warming because the planet is exiting from the last ice age. People blame CO2 when in fact the highest levels of CO2 that has been measured to date actually equates to 415ppl; that is tiny. The sky & atmosphere is HUGE & 415ppm is nothing. Also on the subject of CO2 levels; fossil records attest to the fact that not too long ago the oxygen was double it is now & CO2 has already been as high as 4000ppm...over 10x the level it is now; guess what, the world didn't end!
These same idiots who claim the world will flood!!! When the ice caps melt are idiots & scaremongers of the highest order. The Ice caps were formed at the last ice age. In old times Antarctica was a tropical rainforest. People seem to focus on the size of the ice caps (big), & ignore the bleeding obvious; the size of the oceans (fucking huge).
If the ice caps melted tomorrow all at once; yeah it could be disastrous, not because the coasts will flood. The ice caps melting would actually only add a few inches to sea levels on a global scale. What would be bad is the cooling of the water could disrupt the oceans natural currents as well as the desalination process.
Cows produce more CO2 than humans do. (most through burping)
The 5 biggest ships on Earth produce more CO2 than all the cars on Earth combined.
Deforestation adds billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. A tree absorbs it & stores it. When it's cut down & dies, the CO2 is then released back. If you stop cutting trees down, you reduce the CO2 levels.
Hemp actually consumes CO2 & doesn't release it back. Acre for acre it also absorbs more CO2 than trees do. New trees must wait to develop before they start capturing CO2 but Hemp doesn't need to wait. With Hemp you also get 4 seasons of continual growth per year. You can cut it for use & it will carry on re-growing unlike trees.
If "global warming" was a thing they'd kill the cows, stop cutting down trees, plant hemp, stop making plastics & stop polluting...their 'solution' is "TAX" proving to everyone but the idiots that it's a scam.
What are they going to do with cash? Is mother nature holding them to ransom?
Cash is not a solution.
I completely agree....
Peaches · F
I've always said people are bad for the planet!😟🌏🥀
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@Peaches I have relatives in Hayward where the logging championships are held.
Peaches · F
@SteelHands I live in logging country...they are not liked very much over here. We want to keep Oregon green🌲🌲💚🌳
Muted for immature nonsense
Just another British globalist
Just another British globalist