SW-User Best Comment
Yep. In trying to save money, your company is wasting it.
NeutronSynapse · 56-60, M
@SW-User Exactly!! I tried to get them to post an add, or something other than a temp agency. Present the job as a long term position because in actuality it is. You can find a far better class of workers, people that still take pride and have work ethics.

Thanks for BC. ✌️
You're right. I've hired temp workers and it only works if the job is truly a temp job. Even that can be challenging because not that many people are capable of following direction when they aren't invested in the company or the work.
Your company's mgmt think they're saving on benefits but it costs them so much more in the long run. They don't get that the salaried employees don't want to work in an environment where they have to pick up the slack for the morons. Also, with temps, there is no loyalty to the company. The only good thing that can possibly happen is, someone working temp really wants a permanent job and shows they are worth hiring. Doesn't happen often.
Thanks for BC. ✌️
You're right. I've hired temp workers and it only works if the job is truly a temp job. Even that can be challenging because not that many people are capable of following direction when they aren't invested in the company or the work.
Your company's mgmt think they're saving on benefits but it costs them so much more in the long run. They don't get that the salaried employees don't want to work in an environment where they have to pick up the slack for the morons. Also, with temps, there is no loyalty to the company. The only good thing that can possibly happen is, someone working temp really wants a permanent job and shows they are worth hiring. Doesn't happen often.

Well, maybe businesses should stop cheaping out and create more permanent positions :)
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
And I hate temp agencies.
Best way around this? Stop hiring temps- start hiring permanent workers. Boom, problem solved.
Best way around this? Stop hiring temps- start hiring permanent workers. Boom, problem solved.
NeutronSynapse · 56-60, M
@DearAmbellina2113 Not that easy to change the way things are done. Even if you present the job as a long term position, you get short term workers when going through an agency.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
@NeutronSynapse then don't go through an agency. Hire through your door.
revenant · F
I was a temp and got offered permanent jobs
Elessar · 26-30, M
With what a temp worker is usually paid, at least over here, were I one of them would be on my phone all the time except for when I have the supervisor around, at that point I'd pretend I'm working lol
NeutronSynapse · 56-60, M
@Elessar That is the mentality of a short term employee. You won't get noticed if you blend in with the other idiots.
Unfortunately, it has become the norm to be short term minded where work and relationships are concerned.
Unfortunately, it has become the norm to be short term minded where work and relationships are concerned.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@NeutronSynapse More like the mentality of poorly paid workforce. I don't blame them in the slightest - if businesses want productive people, they should pay properly. If they want to settle, well, they better be ready to accept the productivity they paid for.
KA9ha · 31-35, M
best way is ,,,dont get temp workers ... work yourself till you are dead.