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What do u think will happen when trump loses?!!!

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Dlrannie31-35, F Best Comment
He鈥檒l moan like hell and blame it on everyone except himself
Loretta7846-50, F
@Dlrannie But... the crooked Hillary.
No! It's all Obama's fault! 馃槀
NorthernBear51-55, M
Loretta7846-50, F
@NorthernBear 馃槄馃槀

Excellent! That made me laugh, thanks. 馃
@Zoranna it is a really good one.
Harriet0341-45, F
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zonavar6851-55, M
@Harriet03 #grabyourwallet
shewolfie69 a few on here will go very quiet for certain 馃槅
NorthernBear51-55, M
I don't think he will lose. It's 2016 all over again. Folks on the left are talking as though the Democrat has already won. Fewer of us will turn out to vote bc so many think they don't have to, the election is in the bag, and agent orange walks away the winner again.

馃ぃ馃ぃ馃槀馃槀, good one.
MURD3RM0NK3Y26-30, M
He's not going to lose
@MURD3RM0NK3Y Let鈥檚 watch and see shall we?!
Harriet0341-45, F
@Shewolfiie69 馃
@Harriet03 Unless u have a magic wand...I don鈥檛 believe that like I do now! Especially on how he could鈥檝e saved lives by putting the alert on Covid earlier! Not to mention how he鈥檚 addressed this racial divide!? Wake up!!! I would鈥檝e agreed with u before all this happened!
Harriet0341-45, F
OwnerOfMany90-99, M
Either way we are screwed, win or lose. It is not "if" we will get screwed, it is "how" we will get screwed.
Loretta7846-50, F
When Trump loses the election I honestly fear that this could be the begin of a civil war in USA. 馃槓
Jared and Ivanka would be the teachers 馃ぃ馃槀馃ぃ
@aaaabbbb That was so hilarious I tinkled on myself thx!
@Shewolfiie69 glad you enjoyed it.
Jackaloftheazuresand26-30, M
We'd hopefully be free of the 4 years of tantrums his opponents had
Dlrannie31-35, F
Many thanks for the BA 馃檪
@Dlrannie I adore straight answers! Something that has escaped us all since trump was elected!
Dlrannie31-35, F
@Shewolfiie69 Simple and straight to the point always works best in my view 馃檪
zonavar6851-55, M
As an Australian, I really don't care if Trump wins or not. I still will not acknowledge him as el-presidente if he shows up in Australia and by some fluke I'm at the place where he's meant to turn up.
MissMoon26-30, F
Sadly I think he will get re-elected
@MissMoon Oh plz explain why u think that? I thought that too before this big fiasco!
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MissMoon26-30, F
@Shewolfiie69 Sorry for the late reply :) Despite having my mothers side being from the US, I was raised in the UK so I will admit that I dont know an awful lot.

From my last experience visiting my family over there (specifically RI), and from what I've seen online, I get the impression a lot of people over there are anti-left, especially since Obama's term. Also, sadly big personalities like Trump will always have followers, despite the amount of lies he has told the public.

I could be wrong though, it just seems to me that Trump is still pretty popular and he still seems to have many supporters. More and more people seem to be questioning him now though, which is great. I sincerely hope he doesnt get re-elected, from an outsider's perspective he seems largely incompetent.

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