I caught 1 one of the kids in my class trying to look down my shirt today... Good thing I always wear an undershirt, eh?
The little brat looked so disappointed that not only did he get caught but that he didn't see anything at all. Like seriously. He's a high school we doing duel enrollment at the college I go to and here he is trying to crane his neck to see down my shirt when I was leaned over looking at another classmates book. I'm too old to be dealing with little perverts. This is the very reason why I'm glad to always wear an undershirt.
@Anon066 It's not that I don't know the difference in the meaning. I mixed up the words because I'm hard of hearing so technically yeah English isn't easy for me to comprehend since all words sound the same and since they sound the same it's easy for the deaf/hard of hearing to write or say them wrong. Go on about it as if it really matters since everyone else seemed to understand what I meant. Still points out that you're criticizing me for being "self righteous and judgemental" when you're obviously just as bad.
@NaturallyPeculiar you realize the entire joke was based on you using the wrong word right? Do you still not get his joke?
Calling you self righteous and judgmental for labeling a 15yr old boy a pervert for trying to look down your shirt is very valid. Calling me the same things for pointing that out is not valid at all.
@Anon066 You realize I just explained why I used the wrong word? Yes, I get the joke har har. I didn't get it at first because again I'm hard of hearing and mixed up the word which I already explained but go on about something I already explained.
I didn't call you judgemental and self righteous for that. Making fun of someone because they used the wrong word and continuing to do so even after they pointed out the reason- that's self righteous and judgemental. So yeah, it is valid.
@5thApprentice He's a sophomore in high school according to the teacher so he's probably like 15/16 that little pervert. Anyone under 20 is a kid in my eyes lol
@MysteriousRose Okay, noted I won't use the term pervert as it was too harsh. At least you logically responded instead of immediately calling me self righteous and judgemental and making fun of me over a stupid mistake where I mixed up words.
@NaturallyPeculiar I'm not replying to your stupid ass again. If you think that's abnormal behavior you're gonna have a hell of a time navigating the real world whenever you leave your bubble.
@Anon066 Oh wow it's actually close to what I just said. I described it as sexual behavior/something of sexual nature that is unacceptable. Sorry, I didn't quote the whole entire definition word for word which makes me wrong in your eyes. I already said I take it back. Calling him a pervert was too harsh but again, you probably should be calling people self righteous and judgemental if you do the same thing over them not understanding a joke/them confusing a word due to a disability them have.
@MysteriousRose But I don't wear lower cut blouses to show my boobs? If you read what I wrote then you would know that my shirt wasn't lower cut but that it was a bit big so when I leaned over you can slightly see down it which is why I wear an undershirt as well so obviously I wasn't showing anything off at all so...