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Safaa · 22-25, F
I do agree! People mostly go for looks and ignore the far more beautiful things.

Deeperminds · 46-50, F
Yeah it seems certain people only are interested in certain things on certain sites. On Facebook I might post an intriguing question and I get nothing, then if I post it on here I immediately get lots of responses and discussions going on
KatieKatze · 22-25, F
And that’s what I love about this site. It’s more than appearances and small talk.
sometimeslonelytoo · 51-55, M
This is a very interesting post. I love to admire the beauty in nature. Sometimes when I notice an attractive woman, I have a similar thought. I guess though, when we dwell upon human beauty, there is something deeper to that, due to the possibility of connection, relationship. Sometimes the attraction may be sexual, or at least somewhat sexual. I think that's just a part of how humans are. I don't mind people being more interested in people than in nature. I also don't like people objectifying and not treating others as humans though.
KatieKatze · 22-25, F
Taking an interest in humanly beauty is fine. But it’s the objectification that I don’t appreciate. And it’s situations like this that hint at such underlying interest.
I’ve posted photos of myself after being inactive, and I’ll get a handful of guys messaging me, asking how I’ve been and that it’s “been a while.” And yet, I can post a photo of some scenery after a while of inactivity and get a couple of likes - no one asking how I am or anything. I think that speaks to true intentions.
sometimeslonelytoo · 51-55, M
@KatieKatze True, though I do think it's natural to notice physical human beauty more. I guess if you think there's some sexual intent behind their interactions, which remains undeclared, then their friendship isn't really true.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
It's typical and you see it on here too, it's not something I participate in, in fact the opposite. I've just read a post where a female has made a comment answering a question, the next comment? 'How cute' she was. The number of times people post pictures saying what 'a mess' they look, it's done for one reason- to get a barrel load of 'aah you look lovely, etc' comments. If you ever put something like that up, I'll be the one saying 'couldn't you find a comb'!
KatieKatze · 22-25, F
I’m glad I’m not the only one to notice that, haha. I’ve seen so many people (men and women both) post photos that they obviously got done up for and say how “bad” they look. Attention seeking at its finest.
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
I think you have to know your audience and your media outlet. I am not a selfie person. I'd much rather see photos of nature or art or something interesting, good composition, something that strikes a chord in me. I adore my friends, and I like seeing their photos of what they're doing, what makes them happy, but if all someone posts are selfies seeking attention I'm immediately bored and on to the next thing. This and facebook are the primary social media sites I use. I enjoy conversations with people here, and I use facebook to keep up with friends and family. I don't get the whole selfie thing other than maybe once in a while or for a profile pic or for your business if you're a beauty blogger or something like that.
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
People talk a good game about looks and appearances being unimportant but the behavior all across social media (and real life), tells another story.

Society isn't quite "there" yet.
We're obsessed with the selfie phenomenon.
tenente · 100+, M
@SW-User shocking 🙄 lol
thanks for exposing the reality

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