@AndrewThank you for replying Andrew. Awesome :D !!!
I made it but it's under: Languages> Hindi> Language . ... and I am not Hindi. https://similarworlds.com/language/hindi/my-beloved-yiddish-my-culture
Unlike Arabic and Hebrew, Yiddish is not a Semitic language; an important language of European Jewry, Yiddish originated as a medieval, German dialect written in the Hebrew alphabet.
I would like to move it please? How can I do that Andrew?
Especially if they can do this in a crafty way that doesn't directly break the TOS, as to not be penalized,
But people already do that 🫣 yeah it also might flare up for a while but anonymous means anonymous to us, not to you right? So they still can get warnings, no? How about a test run? 😁 To see if pros beat the cons
Thank you @Nuno and SW Team. I think something that would hugely improve the SW experience would be private groups, that is, if there could be groups that only people in the group can post to and see posts in (and where the group owner/manager could remove members if necessary).
That would allow for a genuine and safe sharing of experiences and "similar worlds".
@ServantOfTheGoddess Let's say that Mary has a problem with John and she reports him. The auto block kicks in - but she's still not satisfied. So she creates a private group and now they're all slating John with no intervention.
We don't even have private groups yet and we already know that bullying is something of a problem on SW. This feature, used responsibly could be beneficial... but it could also give bullies and pedophiles private places to congregate.
@Nuno: Me gustaría que regresará la función especial que tenía Iorbix y la que más usabamos en Iorbix, la favorita: las Notas de Muro. Con esa función estariamos más felices todos los que migramos de Iorbix y la extraño mucho. Hay muchos recuerdos que desearía recuperar de las Notas de Muro.
Se lo agradecería de mano. Saludos...
Good morning, Nuno:
I would like to see the special function that Iorbix had and the one that we used the most in Iorbix, the favorite: the Wall Notes, return. With that function, all of us who migrated from Iorbix would be happier and I miss it a lot. There are many memories that I would like to recover from the Wall Notes.
@Silfide the importing of iOrbix content is still being worked on. Comments made on the iOrbix wall may appear on the SW whiteboard once that is finished.
@HootyTheNightOwl Con que regrese lo que pido, ya me sentiría más que completa. En verdad. Extraño y necesito recuperar lo que habia publicado en el muro de Iorbix.
"Skepticism", actually should have existed as a Forum already, as it is a broad sub-topic of discussion.
It seems as though Religious Skeptics mostly overlap between Agnostics and Atheists.
Thus, this Forum may better be placed under "Beliefs" (as your comment does suggest), rather than being placed under the Agnosticism or Atheism topics.
We have now consolidated posts from various related groups, and created this as a new Forum:
We've also went ahead and moved your group, now placed under this same Forum.
I understand that the Titles are now the same.
I'm not sure if you prefer to continue using this Group (while the Forum now exists), or, if you'd like to rename it more uniquely.
@Classified Figures why you're not a member anymore, then...
Do you allow adult content??? Dumb question, I know - but I had long discussions with people to find that they had adult content blocked three hours in... 🤣🤣🤣
@Magenta Could you create a support ticket, directing us to the created groups you mention?
I'm not yet certain that we are currently displaying the Admin of each group.
However, the "Manage Group" option, is supposed to be visible, at the front of your Group.
💡 If you are using a Mobile Device, you may need to press the "Three Lines - Orange Button", to the top of the Group, to expand the available info and options.