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Life is Still Good 💜✨

No matter what the world throws my way - setbacks, disappointments, unexpected twists - I believe life is good. Not because it's always easy, but because I choose to see the beauty in the small things.

The warmth of fhe sun on my skin. A deep breath that reminds me I'm still here, still growing, still becoming.

Life isn't perfect, and neither am I. But I refuse to let the chaos steal my hope, my kindness, or my faith in better days ahead.

So here's to the strength in softness, the courage in vulnerability, and the belief that no matter how hard things get, there is still so much good waiting to be found 💫🙏

#StayHopeful #lifeisstillbeautiful
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LadyGrace · 70-79
Yes it is and when life throws us challenges, that is a really good thing because that is the way we learn and grow and I'm very happy and proud of you for your efforts. Life really wasn't made to be easy because if it was, we've never learned a thing. Keep up the good work. You'll definitely get through this and I'm thinking that perhaps you had a narcissist in your life. I have too, and I can guarantee you that you will win over it. Just keep working at it and prayer helps a lot. You're on the right track. Don't give up. I hope you will stay away from this person that hurt you and don't ever go back. If he is a narcissist, God has helped close that door so that you could move on and you will. He will help you heal, like he did me. The healing doesn't take place overnight, but it does take place. If you ever need to talk, please PM me. 🫂👍👏
thepastbehindme · 46-50, FNew
@LadyGrace declaring and claiming all God's promises in my life ✨🙏
LadyGrace · 70-79
@thepastbehindme You are very special and you will do very good. I'm very proud of you. If ever you feel troubled you can always always PM me and we will talk okay? 🙏❤🤗🌻
thepastbehindme · 46-50, FNew
@LadyGrace Thank you sooooo much! 😘
Docdon23 · M
Wonderful post and I am mostly similar--very grateful for life and my life!!! Count our blessings every day instead of wallowing in the negativity around us. Most of us do have a lot to be grateful for. I know I do!
thepastbehindme · 46-50, FNew
@Docdon23 Sometimes, I feel the other way around, but there are days when gratefulness fills my heart, and I want to document it so there's something I can go back to remind me, life is still good :)
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Regardless of one's overall outlook on life, there's bound to be setbacks, failures, disappointments, etc.

To quote the words of someone far wiser than even myself: "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
smiler2012 · 61-69
[@the[pastbehindme] 🤗what a good and sensible attitude you have too the world i like your positive outlook 😆
metaldog · 51-55, F
Beautiful ❤
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
Very beautiful thoughts!
nicely put, carry on!

disappountments? 🤭
thepastbehindme · 46-50, FNew
@1sakuradoll08 a lot! Hahaha
@thepastbehindme am the SW spelling police...😋
thepastbehindme · 46-50, FNew
@1sakuradoll08 edited! Hahaha
Rambler · 61-69, M
There are many wonderful things in the world if you can take the time to find them

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