Ferric67 · M
True story,
I had a friend in high school, who literally went around asking questions about belly buttons. And if someone caught her curiosity, she would ask to see it. I found it funny that she sought this research....and I was more than happy to show her mine. Looking back on it, it was clearly some sort of fetish of hers...but, back then you never thought too much into these things. It was much more innocent.
I had a friend in high school, who literally went around asking questions about belly buttons. And if someone caught her curiosity, she would ask to see it. I found it funny that she sought this research....and I was more than happy to show her mine. Looking back on it, it was clearly some sort of fetish of hers...but, back then you never thought too much into these things. It was much more innocent.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Yours or other people's?
BllyBttnDmsl · 31-35, F
@DunningKruger I like having men play with mine
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@BllyBttnDmsl Is it sexual or just sensual?
BllyBttnDmsl · 31-35, F
@DunningKruger I'll PM you
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
If I cover your belly with my hand, is that navel blockade?
BllyBttnDmsl · 31-35, F
I just created an account and it told me to post something so I did lol
meJess · F
All the nice girls love a sailor 😀
BridgeOvertroubledWaters · 61-69, M
Very good @meJess 👍
BllyBttnDmsl · 31-35, F
@meJess I actually prefer the pilots myself
meJess · F
@BllyBttnDmsl 21?

that's..interesting, lol
BllyBttnDmsl · 31-35, F
@SW-User Sorry. I thought I was filling in like the about me post.

@BllyBttnDmsl don't be sorry. it's a nice fetish, anyway
MissingLink · 51-55, M
men or woman or both?
BllyBttnDmsl · 31-35, F
@MissingLink I'm into men playing with mine. Hope that answers your question
MissingLink · 51-55, M
@BllyBttnDmsl yes it does
helsbels · 31-35, F
It's probably the uniforms ⛴️
Oh, NAVEL... 🤦♀️
Oh, NAVEL... 🤦♀️
BllyBttnDmsl · 31-35, F
@helsbels I prefer the air force myself 😅
Dawgsfan3 · 41-45, M
Awesome 🤩
BllyBttnDmsl · 31-35, F
@Dawgsfan3 Aww, a UGA fan. Rooting for you against FL
Dawgsfan3 · 41-45, M
@BllyBttnDmsl I’m a Texas Longhorns fan. The high school team here is named the Bulldogs
BllyBttnDmsl · 31-35, F
@Dawgsfan3 Oh ok. Y'all still handled Alabama and I loved it
BllyBttnDmsl · 31-35, F
Sorry if I shouldn't be posting here
smiler2012 · 61-69
[@bilybttndmsl] 😆what you love sailors boats and the ocean lol
BllyBttnDmsl · 31-35, F
@smiler2012 Nope. I love pilots, the planes and the air😍
BridgeOvertroubledWaters · 61-69, M
Does it turn you on ?
Alvinophilia · 41-45, F
Same here😊👋
littlepuppywantanewlife · 31-35, M
What is that?

Good on you
Teslin · M
bigtan123 · 26-30, M
Do you have an innie or outie belly button
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Kriptonism · 26-30, M
I have huge navel fetishm, can we chat
I have huge navel fetishm, can we chat
SamInAZ · 41-45, M
🎶She's just a woman with a navel fetish
She hungers for bellybuttons, feeling
She doesn't mind
If there's lint inside
She's trying to find
What kind of fun is trying to hide
In your navel🎶
She hungers for bellybuttons, feeling
She doesn't mind
If there's lint inside
She's trying to find
What kind of fun is trying to hide
In your navel🎶