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When they start marking people with an invisible laser barcodes on the forehead or the right wrist ( Biblical mark of the beast), even the regular

police officers will have the tools to put the mark on a person. That's why people who don't want the mark of the beast will not be able to walk the streets of cities and towns, they will have to hide or get caught and be forcefully marked by the police on the spot.

I have a lot to say about this, but please read the entire thing all the way to the end.

If people refuse to take the mark of the beast and still decide to remain in civilization anyway, they will not be forced to take it, but will be put to death. Also, I might be wrong, but I have heard you intimate before that people could unknowingly take the mark of the beast. This is completely false and absurd for many reasons. Think about this for a second. The Bible makes it clear that we will know that it is the mark of the beast and so we can never unknowingly take it. Revelation 14 says, "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, IF ANY MAN WORSHIP THE BEAST AND HIS IMAGE, AND RECEIVE HIS MARK IN HIS FOREHEAD, OR IN HIS HAND If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:...."

So, we will know that it is the mark because taking the mark also requires worshipping the beast and his image. It is a choice. Consider this for a second: if any man takes the mark of the beast, he is doomed for eternity, as it goes on to say in the next verse, "And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."

It is clear that it is a choice and that we will know that it is the mark of the beast for sure. It won't just be forced on people who don't want to take it, in other words, no one is going to strap you down in a hospital bed and forcefully inject it into your forehead or right hand. God simply would not allow it to happen that way and the Bible makes that clear that a person is choosing to take the mark and choosing to worship the image of the beast. Think about it. Someone get forcefully strapped down to take it and they are fighting with all their will but are not strong enough to resist and then God sends them to hell for all of eternity.

Do you see how unbelievably absurd and wicked this view is?

Also consider that the Antichrist is going to be making war with the saints. How does he make war with them? Through making them starve because they can't buy or sell, and killing them and much other persecution. Why? Because they will not take the mark. Satan, I believe, will not even allow Christians to take the mark of the beast because if he did force it on them, then how would he wage war with them through famine, starving, killing and persecution and all the rest of it? Those who take the mark, while their eternal destination will be hell, they will not be persecuted in the New World Order Antichrist kingdom, they will be quite comfortable because they have assimilated into that system.

And revelation 13 does say, "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

He causes all to take the mark of the because because most people will choose to take it because they want to remain apart of society and continue to buy and sell. Most would never give that comfort up. If they refuse, they won't be strapped down and forced to take it, but persecuted in many ways and ultimately killed. God would never allow that to happen because then you are saying that God would allow someone to go to Hell even if they don't want to go to hell and therefore won't take the mark because they know the consequences of taking the mark.

Last important thing to note: you are also saying then that a Christian can lose their salvation. But we are eternally secured. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise until the day of redemption. And God says that no man can pluck us out of his hand and that nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus Christ.

THIS IS WHY I SAY THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR A CHRISTIAN TO TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST. It will physically not be allowed to happen and the Antichrist will not allow them to take it. No real Christian would take it in the first place anyway. This conversation can also lead into a whole other conversation, which is the pre tribulation rapture vs post tribulation rapture debate.
InHeaven · F
@SW-User Hell is full of Christians who truly believed in Jesus ...and then went and committed all the sins on the list that Jesus said not to do ...they justified it by the quote that all you have to do is “believe” (in your head) and you are automatically saved, no matter what, by that promise. They did not bother to repent cause they were “automatically saved” . If you saythat there are no Christians in hell, you are in for a big shocking surprise SOON. So, don’t preach that Baptist sect teaching to me especially after I have seen Christians falling into the Lake.
@InHeaven I thought this conversation was over? Again, you haven't responded to the scores of scriptures that I have provided, showing you to be in serious error, nor are you even providing any scriptures yourself. You're basing what you believe on a false vision you had. Your vision was not from God. It was from Satan, who has you ensnared right now. I know this because your vision blatantly contradicts Gods Word. Visions that Christians claim to have are Antichrist:

2 Thessalonians 2:9 - Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

Revelation 16:14 - For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

Matthew 24:24 - For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

You are teaching Lordship salvation and are on your way to hell right now. You better repent and put all of your trust on Jesus Christ alone today. Your righteousness is not good enough. You need Jesus righteousness imputed unto you in order to make it to Heaven.

Btw, repent in the Greek is Metanoia and it simply means to change your mind. Change your mind from unbelief to belief or from the false system you are apart of to Jesus Christ. Repent and believe. What does one have to change their mind about? They have to realize that they are sinner and they have to drop their own self righteousness because they realize it will not be sufficient and that they are doomed and then they turn to Jesus Christ, realizing that only He can save them. So they believe on (put all of their trust on) Him alone for salvation.

No Christian who has truly done this is in Hell, according to the Bible itself, which teaches that we are sealed with the Holy spirit of promise until the day of redemption. I provided scores of scriptures to show you eternal security. You don't believe it. You don't believe it is a free gift and you are therefore calling God a liar. You just can't comprehend the simplicity of the gospel. If you don't repent of that wicked works based system and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you will go to Hell. This is severe. Don't find out and be surprised at the end, because then it will be too late. Trust the Word of God alone. Not your experiences.
InHeaven · F
Yes, the convo is over@SW-User
Confined · 56-60, M
Revelation 13:16
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: No one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.
Word of the Lord.
@Confined That’s the word!
fources · 41-45, M
I don't think they need to go that far. We are already walking around with the invisible laser codes, it's in your bag, pocket, purse. Matter of fact, you are probably reading this post on it right now.
InHeaven · F
No, thats the entrance into the marking system@fources result— forehead or right wrist — goal
fources · 41-45, M
@InHeaven 😀
Heartlander · 80-89, M
I think they found a work-around with facial recognition software. No barcode needed, no police to force it on us ...

Hopefully I’ll have a gun by then. Then they can fucking come at me.
InHeaven · F
cigarilla · 22-25, F
I did not pay attention in church but I don't think lasers or barcodes were around in biblical ages
WalterF · 70-79, M
@cigarilla They used the imagery of their times. Now, men can easily do what this post suggests. Biblical prophecy has rarely been more relevant. A clear indication of where humanity is headed. (See the UK government recently published 100+page plan "Human 2.0" also known as Transhumanism.)
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@WalterF someone who graduated from Yale Medical school told me that he sat in a presentation about Transhumanism that was given at Yale…it’s not some “conspiracy theory”, they actually have it planned.
That's in the bible.🤔
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Spoiledbrat Marking of people on the forehead or wrist is in the Bible. What the mark is or how it is applied is not in the Bible.

Revelation 13:16-17
And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Well not exactly, no. So should we not be concerned since it's not the mark the bible speaks of? @hippyjoe1955
WalterF · 70-79, M
@Spoiledbrat Not at all. Biblical writers had no idea of future "technology." They spoke using terms they knew. We can see that their terms can easily be transferred to what is happening now, and what will be applied (they vainly hope) to all mankind.

A perfect analogy.
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Nelladell · 80-89, F
@hippyjoe1955 You may be right. Not that it matters to those of us who stay home, anyway.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Nelladell [hippyjoe1955]

True enough, Nell, but I've long felt neither important enough nor of sufficient criminal intent for the authorities to watch where I am at any given time! Anyway I do not fear government agencies - I do not live in China.

The system is not itself linking people anyway. It is linking telephones or computers.

The phone's tracking signal is to allow it to work.

Radio-telephones are of very low power hence low ranges, so can only converse properly via networks of local and regional relay-stations. (The American term "cell phone" is from "cellular", describing the network rather than telephone.)

Hence the network exchanges need know where both parties are, to be able to connect them via the nearest aerials. It's the radio equivalent of the land-line network in which the numbers control the switching that links physical wire-pairs.


One aspect that has raised security rather than privacy concerns is the so-called "smart" gas or electricity meter. This contains a simple radio-telephone that sends the measured consumption directly to the supplier's Accounts Department, at pre-set times. The fear is of criminal gangs eavesdropping to determine when a home is probably unoccupied hence safe to burgle. The risk is probably very low but setting them to long intervals may reduce the risk further still.


GPS for navigation is an optional-extra that exploits the telephone's purely operational need. Excessive, indiscriminate use can be deleterious, though. It can lead people into problems by not warning of intervening obstacles a proper map will show. Worse perhaps, over time it can lead to users losing their instinctive, self-taught or culturally-developed navigational ability - as people like the Inuit are finding.
Nelladell · 80-89, F
@ArishMell Thank you for that welcome bit of education. How thoughtful of you.
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
@WalterF Oh yes, they are readable! With the right equipment.

I don't know of any invidious "plans" and hope there are none; but the web-sites of the chip manufacturers are clear that yes, whatever else is programmed onto it, it is a personal identifier - just like those implanted in pet cats and dogs.

Yes, they can be read, that is their point whatever their specific purpose, but what worries me is how and at what range? So how susceptible are they to eavesdropping or corruption?

I don't know how they work: whether for example the chip-reader actually transmits a signal that powers the device or if holds an internal power-source, e.g. a cell whose electrolyte is the body fluid around it. However I take some comfort from the fact that any signal-power it emits will be extremely low so its effective range possibly only a few millimetres from the skin above it.

I watched the NBC-made video Adstar offers. It seems a pretty fair report despite the over-enthusiastic presentation and silly word "bionic", because it does include two or three people who are clearly not happy about the idea. One says something like, "I would feel less human". Even so the NBC report did give the impression of favouring the system. It also does seem you need place the site of the chip very close to or even touching the reading device.


I noticed the remark, in connection with but not all thanks to these chips, that Swedish life is now practically cash-less. I can't see that working in the UK. First, nearly all British shops still take cash for small purchases. (Some rightly insist on it below, typically, £5 because the banks extract from the shop's retail income, a levy on each card payment: buying only, say, a newspaper and bar of chocolate by card or 'phone is very unfair to the shop). Further though, our society is chock-full of all sorts of large and small voluntary clubs and societies, social activities, charity-collections etc. all handling lots of low-value sales and donations in sums and situations that can sensibly function only by cash.

For the record I make no connection whatsoever between such chips and any religion. I think that avoids considering the device's genuine medical safety and ethics questions relevant to our modern, all-faiths-and-none, society and individuals.
WalterF · 70-79, M
@ArishMell Like so many things, this chipping humans concept could be of much benefit. That is, if those working to finalise and apply this technology could be trusted to only use it for the general good. In other words, if there was no risk that those with the power to achieve this goal could be trusted not to turn it to their own advantage. No risk that they might possibly have been preparing for a very long time this momentous source of control over (they hope) EVERY human being's habits, freedoms, money, travelling, vaccination status, and, apparently also, THOUGHTS.

I am not able to have that trust. "Building back better," the universal slogan, for me, means rebuilding society in the way that THEY (those who hold the reins) want.

Power corrupts. The absolute power held by mindlessly rich and influential people like Gates and many others, corrupts absolutely. We are up against the expression of that power, in the future they are preparing for each of us

I will not be a party to it. That means resistance. As the UK government quietly passes legislation to water down our rights - as just one example, to make these injections (which will go on ad infinitum) a legal requirement for all - then resistance will mean paying a huge price.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@WalterF I share most of your concerns - that of something invented for the good creeping into areas where not needed, not wanted, not good. Often it's presented as solving problems, but real problems or ones invented for the solution?

I don't see the possibility of controlling thoughts though as real. The brain is not a programmable digital computer. It's nothing like that. It is far more complicated and too powerful to be manipulated merely by something in the skin of your hand.

You are mistaken about the UK Government making vaccinations compulsory for all though. It tried to do so for NHS staff but I think it's stepped back a bit from that. I have no sympathy for medical staff refusing to be vaccinated though, because they are looking after very ill people and they have to inoculated against assorted other diseases anyway.

Yet consider this: Most of us were vaccinated when very young against all sorts of diseases, by national policy, without any of the fuss and bother and vicious ant-vaccination campaigns we see surrounding the Covid one...
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@OggggO why don’t we keep it that way instead of allowing it to become a reality? What do you think about that?

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