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When they start marking people with an invisible laser barcodes on the forehead or the right wrist ( Biblical mark of the beast), even the regular

police officers will have the tools to put the mark on a person. That's why people who don't want the mark of the beast will not be able to walk the streets of cities and towns, they will have to hide or get caught and be forcefully marked by the police on the spot.
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I have a lot to say about this, but please read the entire thing all the way to the end.

If people refuse to take the mark of the beast and still decide to remain in civilization anyway, they will not be forced to take it, but will be put to death. Also, I might be wrong, but I have heard you intimate before that people could unknowingly take the mark of the beast. This is completely false and absurd for many reasons. Think about this for a second. The Bible makes it clear that we will know that it is the mark of the beast and so we can never unknowingly take it. Revelation 14 says, "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, IF ANY MAN WORSHIP THE BEAST AND HIS IMAGE, AND RECEIVE HIS MARK IN HIS FOREHEAD, OR IN HIS HAND If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:...."

So, we will know that it is the mark because taking the mark also requires worshipping the beast and his image. It is a choice. Consider this for a second: if any man takes the mark of the beast, he is doomed for eternity, as it goes on to say in the next verse, "And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."

It is clear that it is a choice and that we will know that it is the mark of the beast for sure. It won't just be forced on people who don't want to take it, in other words, no one is going to strap you down in a hospital bed and forcefully inject it into your forehead or right hand. God simply would not allow it to happen that way and the Bible makes that clear that a person is choosing to take the mark and choosing to worship the image of the beast. Think about it. Someone get forcefully strapped down to take it and they are fighting with all their will but are not strong enough to resist and then God sends them to hell for all of eternity.

Do you see how unbelievably absurd and wicked this view is?

Also consider that the Antichrist is going to be making war with the saints. How does he make war with them? Through making them starve because they can't buy or sell, and killing them and much other persecution. Why? Because they will not take the mark. Satan, I believe, will not even allow Christians to take the mark of the beast because if he did force it on them, then how would he wage war with them through famine, starving, killing and persecution and all the rest of it? Those who take the mark, while their eternal destination will be hell, they will not be persecuted in the New World Order Antichrist kingdom, they will be quite comfortable because they have assimilated into that system.

And revelation 13 does say, "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

He causes all to take the mark of the because because most people will choose to take it because they want to remain apart of society and continue to buy and sell. Most would never give that comfort up. If they refuse, they won't be strapped down and forced to take it, but persecuted in many ways and ultimately killed. God would never allow that to happen because then you are saying that God would allow someone to go to Hell even if they don't want to go to hell and therefore won't take the mark because they know the consequences of taking the mark.

Last important thing to note: you are also saying then that a Christian can lose their salvation. But we are eternally secured. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise until the day of redemption. And God says that no man can pluck us out of his hand and that nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus Christ.

THIS IS WHY I SAY THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR A CHRISTIAN TO TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST. It will physically not be allowed to happen and the Antichrist will not allow them to take it. No real Christian would take it in the first place anyway. This conversation can also lead into a whole other conversation, which is the pre tribulation rapture vs post tribulation rapture debate.
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InHeaven · F
Unknowingly meaning they did not want to know, not that that an angel did not want to tell them@SW-User “...perish for lack of knowledge..”. The info in original post is not my guess, my opinion, or my speculation. It’s guaranteed to be true. Remember this, when you see it happening in front of your eyes
InHeaven · F
@SW-User you would be surprised how many Christians are in hell. They can take the mark of the beast excusing their betrayal of Jesus with “pluck out of hand” line. Hell is full of Christians who abused Gods promises to cover anything they wanted to do or any sin....along with all other kinds of Christians...priests, pastors and bishops...
@InHeaven You have a couple things confused here.

Firstly, a Christian is simply someone who has truly believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. And once you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you are saved and secured. So, no Christian is in hell. No matter what they have done and no matter what they do. Saul was a complete and utter failure and even committed suicide but the Bible makes it clear that he still went to Heaven. Samuel said that he would be with him and Samuel was in Heaven.

You appear to be teaching Lordship salvation or works righteousness because what you seem to be saying is that a Christian cannot be a real Christian if they are still living a life of sin. 1 Corinthians 5 disproves what you are saying and disproves Lordship salvation. Corinth was a very degenerate city. They had associated sexual activity with religion. They made temples and fornication was apart of the worship ceremony. And they were committing incest and the saved Corinthians were not even upset about it. In fact they boasted about it. Yet they were saved Christians and addressed as brethren by Paul.

Now many PROFESSING Christians and false converts will be in hell; There are many people who say that they are Christians but have NOT truly believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. There are many who claim to be Christians but are not solely trusting in what Jesus did on the cross for them alone and not trusting in his blood alone for the atonement of their sins. They are trusting in their own righteousness. THOSE are the people who will be in hell. You better be real careful and make sure you are not trusting in your works and you are trusting in Jesus alone. You want to know what Jesus says to people who are teaching that you have to be living a certain life in order to get to Heaven (lordship salvation)? Let me show you:

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name DONE MANY WONDERFUL WORKS?

And then will I profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

Did you catch that? It is those who are trusting in their works who he will say depart from me to and will then cast into the lake of fire. That is what is causing them to go to hell.

Many will ironically try to teach works salvation using this passage because of the "will of the father part", but what does will of the father mean here? Let's see:

John 6 says, "And this is the WILL OF HIM that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and BELIEVETH on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day."

The will of God is to believe on the Son. This is why we must compare scripture with scripture. It is insane that many use this passage to try and teach works salvation when it literally teaches the exact opposite.

If you think anyone can lose their salvation then you are calling God a liar and if you think anyone has to live a certain life in order to be saved then you are preaching another gospel. A false gospel.

Now God does want us to do good works and obey him and live a changed life BUT that is a separate issue from salvation. God will still be very displeased with us and judge us physically upon this earth if we are living a life of sin because He chastens and scourges His children, and with some He can even get to the point of putting them to death, but he will never take our salvation away.

Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sinisdeath; but the GIFT of Godiseternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

It is a free gift. Once you believe on Him, you are eternally secured because you have eternal life right there. Salvation is a one time event. If you think that God can take that gift away then it was never eternal and it was never a gift in the first place and you would be calling God a liar.

Acts 16:31 says, "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."

Romans 4:5 says, "But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness."

And Ephesians 2 says, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: [9] Not of works,lest any man should boast."

Notice what it says in Jonah 3:10,

"And God saw THEIR WORKS, that they TURNED FROM THEIR EVIL WAY......."

God views turning from your evil way or repenting of your sins as works and as we just read it said in Romans to him that WORKETH NOT, but BELIEVETH."

Repenting of our sins and turning from evil is a DAILY battle, because Jesus said that we have to take up our cross daily and die to self and follow Him daily because it is an every day battle since we are still in our corrupt flesh. It is something we have to daily, whereas salvation is a ONE TIME EVENT. After salvation we still have free will. We have to choose to follow him every day. Some Christians do not and are just weaker in the flesh than others. They are just having more fleshly wins. We should arrive to have spirit wins, though and walk in the spirit.

Because the more we do for God, the more rewards we will have in Heaven. Those who do more work will shine brighter (have greater glory) and rule and reign with Christ over more, have more authority, and there are 5 crowns we can strive for, however, the heavenly rewards are a separate issue from salvation.

Do you see how what you are saying is indicative of the fact that it is by your own goodness that gets you to heaven? Sorry to tell you, but our righteousness are like dirty rags to God. Even our best attempts of goodness are not good enough to get us to Heaven and are failures. It is Christ's righteousness that is imputed unto us that gets us into Heaven, not what we do.

I know that what you are saying is not true because the Bible says so and my God is not a liar. We are indeed sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise until the day of redemption and there is nothing we can do that would override that and make us lose our salvation, otherwise the Bible would be a lie. Let God be true and every man a liar!

When God said that His people are destroyed for their lack of knowledge, it is talking about the fact that they are destroyed PHYSICALLY. Their BODY being destroyed. Christians who are ignorant and not aware of Satan's devices will be deceived and ultimately destroyed because they are not prepared to be a soilder out in the battlefield. This has nothing to do with a spiritual destruction or losing your salvation. There is a physical destruction and a spiritual destruction. Like I showed above, Saul is an example of someone who faced physical destruction because of how bad he was, but not spiritual destruction.

The source of your confusion I think comes from the fact that you are not rightly dividing the word of truth as the Bible commands us to do. Many who say the things you have said are confused typically because they are not viewing the Bible dispensationally, which is to say they are not reading context, they are not comparing scripture with scripture, they are not seeing who is being addressed, they are not seeing the time period, and they are not differentiating concepts like the difference between the flesh and the spirit and many other concepts.

Much false doctrine comes from people who fail to do this and are not studying to shew thyself approved unto God.

Here is a list of verses proving that we are eternally secured and there is nothing we can do to lose our salvation:

InHeaven · F
@SW-User ok. First of all, I don't have the time to read whooole websites coppied and pasted. Lol sorry. I can only say -- to each his own 🙂
@InHeaven It's not copy and pasted. If you actually took the time to read it, you would see that. I took the time to type that out and respond to all of the points you were making and refute them scripturally, which I did.

When it comes to the gospel message, it isn't "to each his own" because if anyone is preaching and believing in their own or rather another gospel, then they are not saved. This isn't a "to each his own" matter. This is your eternal life we are talking about here and very serious.

Don't evade the content and make false accusations. Put the pride aside, read it and respond to it. I am providing scores of scriptures, because the Bible is my final authority and should always be our standard in all matters of faith and practice. Accepting correction is a good thing. I pray that you consider your error and take the time to read what I am writing and think deeply about it.
InHeaven · F
@SW-User I really don't have time, sorry. I don't know who does...for all of that. So, in short " to each his own"..because you are preaching the Baptist teaching to me. I am not Baptist. I am orthodox...so again, we can round this up to " to each his own" 😁
@InHeaven That's a cop out. It's really not that long. You have the time, you just choose not to. At least be honest. You're still on here commenting. In this time you could have already read it and began your response to it.

I care about your soul. I care about where you are going to spend eternity. That's why I took the time to write that out. Whenever you do get the chance, please read it and meditate on it. Nothing is more worthy of your time than heavenly things and making sure you believe the right gospel. Remember that.
InHeaven · F
@SW-User ...again, Baptist and Orthodox are two OPPOSITE doctrines. I do not MEDITATE on anything anymore.So...to each his own...and we are " good" 👍🙂
InHeaven · F
@SW-User thank you for caring for my soul. You can pray for me if you want 👍👍👍 and ask Him to have mercy on my sinful blind soul! I welcome that...and the more THE BETTER
InHeaven · F
@SW-User I have been to Baptist prayer houses and prayer sessions before I became Greek Orthodox and read Jehovah witnesses watch towers, had muslim friends, and went to Roman Catholic messes, and was baptized catholic ..... So, seriously, its a waste of time to post Baptist passages here. But do pray for me....cause I have a sea of sins...pray, that I don’t make it into a hell FIRE. Thank you
InHeaven · F
@SW-User I don’t know what hell without Christians you are talking about. In my vision of hell last year....it was still FULL of Christians.
I do not MEDITATE on anything anymore.

Okay, well just know that you are not following the Bible then:

Psalms 19:14 - Let the words of my mouth, and the MEDITATION of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

Psalms 119:15 - I will MEDITATE in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.

Psalms 104:34 - My MEDITATION of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.

We are supposed to meditate on the Word of God.

So, seriously, its a waste of time to post Baptist passages here.

What are you talking about "Baptist passages"? They aren't Baptist passages. These are verses from Gods Holy KJV Bible. It's the Bible. You do realize that the Bible is our only standard and authority as Christians, right? It is the only weapon we have against the enemy.

You're calling GODS WORD a waste of time. Shame on you.

Greek orthodox, as well as Jehovas Witness, Islam and Roman Catholicism are all false sects and they all contradict Gods Word. They base their system on the traditions of men. Bible believing Christians base everything on the Bible. I will send you a great video in message refuting Greek Orthodoxy scipturally.

I don’t know what hell without Christians you are talking about. In my vision of hell last year....it was still FULL of Christians.

Every single "vision" of Heaven and Hell I have ever watched and heard has always been false, because every vision has always contradicted the Bible, teaches works and a false gospel and contains extra biblical revelation. John was the last person to receive revelation. Your vision contradicts the Bible. You are placing your vision ABOVE the authority of the Bible. The Bible is not your final authority. Your visions are your final authority and that is completely Satanic. This is how Satan deceives: through visions, experiences and feelings. This is why we need to always test the spirits, be vigilant and base everything we believe on the Bible, because without the Bible, Satan will deceive you. You know that Satan can send you false visions, right? I am sorry to tell you this, but your vision was not from God, but from Satan, who has you ensnared right now. I know this because your vision blatantly contradicts Gods Word. Visions that Christians claim to have are Antichrist:

2 Thessalonians 2:9 - Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

Revelation 16:14 - For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

Matthew 24:24 - For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

I am sorry if I am offending you. I don't mean to. I know that I am being harsh, but I am being TRUTHFUL and proving this all to you with the scriptures. I am not angry at you, but at the wicked men who have deceived you! I truly do love you and care about you.

But do pray for me....cause I have a sea of sins...pray, that I don’t make it into a hell FIRE. Thank you

The very fact that you are under a false gospel that has you unsure if you will make it to Heaven shows that you are being deceived by Satan and receiving false visions from him. The BIBLE SAYS THAT WE CAN KNOW FOR SURE THAT WE ARE SAVED AND GOING TO HEAVEN WHEN WE DIE: 1 John 5:13 says, "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; THAT YE MAY KNOW THAT YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE, AND THAT YE MAY BELIEVE ON THE NAME OF THE SON OF GOD."

My prayers nor can anyone's prayers keep you from going to hell. Only one thing can keep you from going to hell: BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED, AND THY HOUSE. Believe on means to put all of your trust on him and what he did for you to get you there. THE BIBLE SAYS WE CAN KNOW FOR SURE THAT WE ARE ETERNALLY SECURED. DON'T YOU WANT TO KNOW? DON'T YOU WANT TO STOP WORRYING AND TRUST IN WHAT GOD HIMSELF SAID? God has not given us the spirit of fear. I plead with you, please stop trusting in men and just read and believe your Bible. You will have far more peace.

Please really read and think about this next part deeply:

The Bible says in Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. the Bible defines sin as the transgression of Gods law. So God tells us not to lie, not to steal, so on and so forth, and we do it anyway. the Bible even says that the thought of foolishness is sin (proverbs 24:9). So not only have a broken Gods law with my deeds, but also with my words, mind and heart. Jesus said if you look upon a woman with lust in your heart you have already committed adultery already with her (Matt 5:28). There is an example of a sin according to the heart and mind. Proverbs 23:7 says as a man thinketh in his heart so he is. So in this fallen world we have all sinned, we have all come short of the glory, the perfection, the righteousness of God. We are not perfect and because we have sinned we earned something. the Bible says in Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death. So because we have sinned, the repercussion or penalty is that we will die, and that is twofold: your body physically goes into the ground when you die, but your soul spends eternity in one of two places: heaven or hell.

Rev 21:8 says, “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Yes, even all liars! I recognized that we are all in trouble; we are all on a line that is heading towards a cliff so to speak and I wondered, how do I get off of this line? This is the dilemma because God does not want to send us to hell, but someone has to pay for our sin. This is where God comes in and provides salvation because he loves us. Romans 5:8 says, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Don’t miss that: while we were yet sinners; while we were yet fornicators, while we were yet liars, while we were yet thieves and adulterers, while we were yet idolators, etc etc. Now watch this, the Bible says the wages of sin is death and here it says that Christ died for us, meaning that the punishment or penalty I deserved, Christ paid that for me and not only for me but for the sins of the whole entire world.

So, Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, died for your past, present and future sins and paid the fine on the cross. He was buried in a tomb for 3 days and 3 nights and on the 3rd day, gloriously, he physically rose from the dead and conquered hell and death. So that is the gospel, that is the crux of what we have to believe to be saved. So the Bible says in acts 16:30-31, it asks that question, sirs, what must I do to be saved? Then it says in verse 31, “And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” THIS IS KEY. Salvation is very easy, very simple. It is as easy as drinking a cup of water and walking through a door.

Believing on the Lord Jesus Christ is putting all of your trust and faith on Jesus alone for salvation, putting your trust in what he did to take you to heaven. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” See, it is not by works and it is not of ourselves, so that we won’t boast. Of course, God wants us to do good and do what is right, but that is not required for salvation. You see, many people like to say that there are thousands of religions, but there are really only two: Christianity and the rest, because every other religion aside from Christianity is salvation by works, like Buddhism with Nirvana, which is the goal of the Buddhist path and extremely difficult to attain, very few do. However, in Christianity you are saved only by faith and anyone can be saved. Only by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. By putting your trust on what Jesus did for you. Jesus Christ is also the only man to ever claim to be God. No other religious figure from any other religion every claimed to be God. Keep this in mind. Romans 10:9 says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
InHeaven · F
@SW-User are you serious 😄 I said , if you care for my soul so much, PRAY for me then. I do not have time to read mile long comments... sorry. Not gon argue with you about anything. To each his own and done. Have a good night... I know the verses you are shoving in my face..lthe interpretation is different.
@InHeaven I will be praying for you, but please also read my comments. You do have the time to read it, you just choose not to. Nothing is more worthy of your time than heavenly things and making sure you believe the right gospel. Remember that. You can't say that you don't have the time for that. You have to make time for it. It's that important.
InHeaven · F
Lol I KNOW the baptist teaching...@SW-User it is WRONG, but to each his own. Peace out
InHeaven · F
@SW-User pray for my sinful soul and for God “to show me the right way!”
@InHeaven It is Bible teaching. Trust the Bible. Not men.
InHeaven · F
Exactly. I trust the Bible@SW-User not this 👆baptist man.
@InHeaven No, you don't. I am telling you to trust the Bible, because currently you are trusting in the traditions of men.
InHeaven · F
Okay, whatever@SW-User
@InHeaven Notice how I am providing scores of scriptures to prove what I am saying and you are not, yet you claim you are the one trusting the Bible lol. You have the time to argue with me, yet you "don't have the time" to read all of the scriptures I have provided and call said scriptures a waste of time. You have shown your true spirit and demonstrated that you are, beyond a shadow of doubt, deceived.
InHeaven · F
I have no interest in arguing and proving that you are wrong and I am right.@SW-User Not interested. Thats why I am not providing anything.... It is POINTLESS. This discussion is closed. Thank you for your participation. Are you a Jehovah Witness, cause they chase me all over too.
InHeaven · F
Jesus did not say “Argue for Me to prove Thy point....”@SW-User anywhere in the Bible. I have Baptists in my family who sound like you. Orthodox Christian and Baptist will NEVER agree there is no point in this or providing anything. Peace out