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Ganon26-30, M
To always make sure they get the correct sauce for my chicken nuggets when I go to McDonald's

Tomorrow isn鈥檛 guaranteed
That right when you begin to feel you can't take anymore...you can. 鉂わ笍
You can't rely on anyone but yourself
That I don't connect well with most people, in one way or another, and what's why I love pets so much.
@SW-User maybe I should get a pet
That life is a gift, a blessing...

That living through it requires trust, faith, effort and love...
Be careful who you share your fears with. They will only use them against you.
@SW-User In general, people are like wolves, always looking for a weak spot to attack.
@SW-User People are dicks. Egotistical dicks. Or should that be egotesticle 馃
I learnt not to invest so much into people most leave anyway go after my dreams instead they last longer I learnt you should never let others define you or yourself worth I鈥檝e been happier since if you don鈥檛 have anyone to go somewhere with go anyway life doesn鈥檛 wait for anyone true love lasts a life time if it doesn鈥檛 it wasn鈥檛 true love
To trust myself
Always get a prenup
2ndtimeguy61-69, M
Always told my kids regardless your situation be kind!
Don't worry about what others think of you, be yourself.
Dlrannie31-35, F
To make the most of life because it鈥檚 the only one you have 馃檪
PTCdresser5761-69, M
Treat others how you want to be treated
To try and keep faith , when you are losing faith
Keepitsimple51-55, F
To be happy with what I have.
ButterRobot51-55, M
Don't sweat the small stuff.
I'm not sure what the most important one is. One that's on my mind lately is: Never trust anyone, no matter how "nice" or friendly they appear to be.
Carmen7446-50, F
@SW-User Sadly that is often true!馃尯
@Carmen74 And I was only thinking about SW, because I realised just in the past few days that at least 4 of my so-called "friends" are actually frenemies. Not that I didn't suspect it though...馃槅
Carmen7446-50, F
@SW-User Ughhh not nice ! 馃尯
That I've got this
Notanymore36-40, M
Don鈥檛 waist any energy on things you have no control of instead use that energy on things you can conta snd change and take the cotton out of your eRs and put it in your mouth
Graylight51-55, F
When you flow with the Universe rather than fighting its current, the raging sea becomes a breezy lazy river. And learn to laugh at yourself.
whowasthatmaskedman70-79, M
@Graylight Life is way too short to be taken seriously.馃樂
You cannot have a meaningful and honest discussion with a liberal / socialist as they can never get their heads out of their asses to do so.
Life is not a game so don't play with others, just cooperate with them and help them learn stuff...knowledge is power and more precious than gold
Graylight51-55, F
You can fight life no more than you can fight the ocean. The trick is in learning to navigate the waters.
Carmen7446-50, F
Be yourself, follow your dreams and don't let people put you off...at least try for them! 馃尯馃尀
{@tessdun] not to bite off more than i can chew . go within your own capabilities
There's more than one and the learning is perpetual.
iLikeToLickWomansAss31-35, M
Do you do mediation ?
TessDun36-40, F
iLikeToLickWomansAss31-35, M
@TessDun can we talk about it ? please message me, my limit is over. Vipasana meditation
@iLikeToLickWomansAss mediation is a legal and psychological calling

meditation is private spiritual practice
MiserableAtBest18-21, F
Sometimes you don鈥檛 get closure, and that鈥檚 okay.
whowasthatmaskedman70-79, M
Its way too short to be taken seriously.馃樂
AthrillatheHunt51-55, M
To err is human
To forgive is divine
Zzxxxx56-60, M
Dont lend you're credit
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Have fun.
iamonfire69641-45, F
I am stronger than I thought I was.
the route i take doesn鈥檛 really matter,
it will get me to the same destination.
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@Stereoguy learn excel
Don't take things too seriously. Life is much easier when you laugh.
@SW-User humor has helped me indeed, but other times I'm not feeling ok not even for that
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