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Undesirable modern trends

Are you old enough to feel that modern society and technology have left you behind; have created norms that border on social malignancy? Would you like to say to the world "Take your 21st century technology and shove it!" What aspects of life/tech would you most want to restore to older formats?
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iamnikki · 31-35, F
I hate having to download apps in order to get things done.
For example, just last month, I was able to check my gym account information online.
Now the online page simply says download the (gym) app to access your account.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@iamnikki This! Wtf! Why does there need to be a separate app for every single thing on the planet?
Ynotisay · M
I think that despite the many benefits it can provide, societies were far better off pre-internet. No question in my mind about that.
Magenta · F
Indeed. Malignancy is a good definition. Modern society is so lacking for all it's, "advancements". We were much much better off before the internet.
PatKirby · M

I'm beginning to see how this rings true.
ffony · M
@PatKirby Re. your 'about me' ....

HumanEarth · F
I still use a vacuum tube ham radio

I will never own a cellphone
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@HumanEarth What if there's an emergency?
Car breaks down on the highway (I've experienced that)
HumanEarth · F
I have my tools, I have my CB and ham radios and I have my feet. I will die before I will own a damn travailing spying box (I hate them that much)

I know how to fix almost with a enigne
ffony · M
What if there's an emergency? Car breaks down on the highway

For most of my life, if my car broke down on the highway, I hoped a friendly person would happen along and offer to help. They nearly always do; but actually in a deserted part of the Scottish highlands I once hiked maybe 3 miles to get to a very old inn, to phone for help. They didn't have a phone! But no biggy; 65 years later I'm still around.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
Um... As an IT person. Subscription based... Everything is garbage. Other than that, nothing really I'd change. It's pretty much better in all ways and people who think otherwise imo are privileged.

I'd prefer tiktok a hundred times over to cocaine, which was quite prevalent 40 years ago. Even early pc's would get infected with worms if you didn't have an antivirus already installed by disc before you plugged in the pc to internet.
ffony · M
@twistedrope 'As an IT person' your understanding of IT malignancy is likely severely limited. Yes - people who can't afford to (or otherwise can't) be connected to the web are indeed privileged. Sadly it's been made near impossible for the rest of us to get along without it.

Adding: I recognize that what irks me and many? older folks seems normal and sensible to you. You're a product of your time and I wish you, yourself (as opposed to the technology you work with) no ill-will! :).
twistedrope · 26-30, M
@ffony No idea what you're going on about people who can't afford internet being privileged. I said people who think its worse in pretty much any way are privileged.

It's like this... Everything bad said about IT is usually far worse the further back you go. That makes the complainers... Ignorant and privileged. They don't know how bad it was because they weren't born then. Young people are entitled when it comes to technology. I know because I work with them and support godforesaken old systems. Youth are entitled by ignorance. Older folks... Well... Remember that... The greatest security threat isn't computers, it's people. Social engineering and those people who do it are basicly the same as those grifters who would visit the old and dying and pretend to be their great grandchild or a child. Or get them to buy freakin scam magazines.

The biggest one for me is affordability. All that software in your pc or your phone when you buy it makes it cheaper to buy in the first place. That means poorer people have access to technology to learn automation and access a massive library of knowledge. It is, quite literally, a great tool to get a person out of poverty and the software is a minor inconvenience to reduce the cost of purchase by like a third.
ffony · M
No idea what you're going on
Haha, that's what I expected.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Pretty much what's already been said. Apps. Like, it's all on the same internet, and the app just takes you to the website anyway, most times, so why? Why does there always have to be one more app?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@iamnikki Oh, well clearly, you need to buy the latest $8,000 model. 🙄😆
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@LordShadowfire no way, I'll keep my little Motorola 🫣
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@iamnikki Yeah, they just love pushing the latest model. Guess where I think they can push it?
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
actual music instead of the frantic death knell of a crackho in the same three four letter words

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