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Audience generated comedy

I went to a Comedy Store gig last night with three friends. You get three sets, lasting about 25 mins each, with a lot of warm up and continuity from a compere, and it usually makes for an excellent evening.

Just as the show was about to start our group was confronted by another group that insisted we were sitting in their seats. We checked the seat numbers, our tickets, and showed them that we were in the right seats. Politely suggested that they might be in error, but of course that couldn't possibly be the case (sounds familiar from trying to engage certain people on EP). They kept arguing and the start of the show was held up. A steward was called and very tactfully sorted the situation out. Turns out that they did have the same seats as us, but for another show in September 🙄

Cue a hasty retreat. The staff were fantastic though and managed to squeeze four more chairs in to accommodate the aggrieved party. The cost though? The compere witnessed the whole scene and these people then became the "front row" and the butt of a continuous joke that went on throughout the evening . . natural justice! 🤣🤣🤣
Sit down comedy instead of stand up comedy 😃.

I hope you still enjoyed it.

I'm just home getting warmed up as it's so cold outside today
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@happygoluckygal It will be if it doesn't pour with rain!

Have you managed to do any outdoor sports yet?
@SunshineGirl A little bit last Friday, but then we went back inside
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@happygoluckygal Bother 😐🌦️
MommyLucy · 36-40, F
That sounds awesome! 😝😝😝 I prefer comedy that appears in a childrens cartoon instead of adult comedy but I am soooo super glad you all had lots of fun! 🤗🤗🤗 I bet the jokes were awesome & I hope it was wonderful & hilarious for the three of you! 💖💖💖
I just love the swift delivery of karma. Especially when I’m there to see it. 🙂
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Nothing funnier than real life eh ? 😁
Maybe karma was with you that night enjoying the show with an endless standing ovation 😄👍
this is fantastic 😂 wished i'd been there
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