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A covid vaccine prediction.

It will not be very long from now that people who explicitly opposed all anti vaxx posts will no longer exist.. they will wake up or die within 3 years. The deaths will be over a 3 yr period, those dumb enough to go twice or 3 times will have the highest fatality rate.

Those who awake will do so quickly, or they wont wake up at all..

If bill (g)hates is truly your friend, then go ask him for a dollar
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP Best Comment
In 3 years if I’m wrong I can take it..
All those who have had it.. you can’t untake it IF somethings bad..

You sterilised Lil darlings 😎🕺

Northwest · M
I've seen some of your posts, and you seem to be brilliant. Could the vaccine be what caused Bill and Melinda Gates to announce their divorce today? Whom do you think will get the device to control the vaccinated, Bill or Melinda? I trust her more than I do him, especially that I received both my vaccine doses at the Microsoft Headquarters. What signs should I be looking for?
@Northwest careful.. you k know how Microsoft is, your going to have to keep upgrading and calling technicians to adjust your shot with new ones
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Not against vacation. All for it.

Yet this could never be true. Many of those anti vaxxers actually are immune naturally.

Still not an excuse to not get vaccinated. So many are dependant on everyone getting vaccinations. 😔

You obviously don't consider about variants world wide though. One of those could get the currently immune people.

So play the fool on the hill. Who keeps spinning round and round.
@DeWayfarer poor fellow.. its crippling to you isnt it.. you see the sheep Shearer's and the altar your friends are burning on but you are to freaked out to do anything but bleat and follow govt, trusting an explanation for the ominous signs that are manifesting; because your govt loves you..
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Jdanielb the sheep bleets! Oh my. 😱

Watch out though, your dog herder is making you bleet.
@DeWayfarer bleeding is what it will become
I bet you’re a barrel of laughs at parties fella.
@Jdanielb you’re a strange one but I hope you don’t get Covid.
@TopOfTheWorld I'm pretty safe from a disease that only exists in the vaccinated and their minds...
@Jdanielb 🤦‍♂️
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
People who get the vaccine will die

Mood = positive

Awww you lovable fucktard 😆
@EuphoricTurtle like that huh.. ? In I'm prone to inappropriate laughter.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Jdanielb Why would they bother making a chip that tiny? Even if it were possible, why?
@LordShadowfire you actually believe covid is a real disease dont you? Nm mr sarcastic.. enjoy the rest of your life.. if you ever develop the ability to not be so near sighted and look at a chain of successive freedoms stolen, you might live longer and understand where all this is headed..

Ps.. they stole freedoms at 9/11.. now they are doing it again at covid.. be blessed special child and dont let any more govt bricks hit you in the head..
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Smh at the stupidity on display.
@LordShadowfire aww.. poor puppy...

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