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The Gang I'm in

I'm a member of a gang of women ranging in age between 36 and 83, two Hindus, 3.5 Jews, 2.5 atheists, a Quaker, a Buddhist and the rest people of indeterminate but vaguely Christian faith. We used to meet in an underground coffee shop, now closed down forever because of covid. We're all outstandingly witty. The only one of them who has used the f word in my hearing is the Quaker, and she's not the youngest. Anyway the last half dozen(ish) weekly meetings have been restricted to six, in my garden, (because I live centrally, and closest to a bus route, and have a three walled gazebo). Anyway, last evening my next door neighbours stopped me in the street to confess that he and his Mrs listen to our chatter on their side of the fence because it's like a radio comedy show. We knew they lurked. But how flattering
Top | New | Old
YoungDawg66 · 56-60, M
Sounds like a lot of fun ... you girls keep laughing and smiling, it’s the best medicine during a pandemic ... cheers
good and funny!!!!
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Nice. Good people in your life are very important
3.5 or 35 ?
damselfly · 100+, F
Awesome. It sounds like you have a lot of fun together. 😊

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