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Purple polka dots

Ever have flashbacks to your childhood

Random memories of this n that

I’m remembering my tenth birthday party , I had friends over and an ice cream cake in the design of a rag doll

I wore a purple polka dot dress and my hair was cut into a bob style with a fringe cringe haha

I was a girly girl but there was a side to me that loved jumping on my bike doing wheelies and breaking hard just to skid my wheels on the dirt/ dusty paths

Now I’m the black sheep of the family

Because I cut toxic people off

And ever since doing so I’m remembering good things making my personal growth even better

MellyMel22 · F
I remember hating being recorded at my parties and my mom doing it anyway. She still refers to me staring dead at the cam with my “evil eye” every year 🤣

Also, I’m most def not the fav of the fam.. I was closest with those they spoke of for fun and didn’t let them do so around me.
You’re beautiful 😍🥳🥹@MellyMel22
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@MellyMel22 Videoing or taking pictures of children when they are uncomfortable with it is cruel and insensitive.
i remember a polka dot skirt i wore with black bike shorts, and i think the whole outfit was purple/black and i wore a big purple bow - very 80s 🤣
Bubble skirts! Haha aww ☺️ 🤗😘@AliceinWonderland
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I remember one Christmas when my grandparents made one extra christmas tree upstairs in a room where we used to sleep and put nothing but Milka candy on it. I had so much joy from it. 😆 It was very strange, atypical, like a dream and they acted like it wasn't important or a big deal at all.
@CrazyMusicLover I bet that was a very delicious tree 😋😀
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Delightfulydelectablydelicious I wouldn't know, I didn't eat the tree. 🤪
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I wore my hair in pony tails with pom-pom hair ties. Wore pink or purple tshirts always, with my levis
You rock 😍😌 🥳

SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I would have loved to have been at your birthday party 😊 I liked wearing dresses when I was that age, but that never stopped me playing rough, climbing trees, having fun.

Among my most vivid memories are taking my shoes and socks off at my cousins' house after church and going frog spawning in my Sunday dress 💖
Reject · 26-30, M
I’m not close with my family either. That sounds like the cutest birthday ever though. ♥️
Good for you, getting rid of the toxicity 🙌 😀
@ThreeLittleBirds Hope that’s a good kind of 😈
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
I have flashbacks all the time.
WillaKissing · 56-60
I am right there with you.

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