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The loss of companionship

Life is lonely. I need to do more things to keep myself busy. I need to stay busy because I'm alone truly alone. My one friend is far and soon they will be married which will make them even further from me. I got a few more people but the truth is they're always with their girlfriends or working.

I run a lot I practice karate too I'm thinking of taking up another martial art and taking up rock climbing but no matter what I do I am alone. I'm a old man 39 soon to be 40 it's too late for me to be in love or start a family.

I wish instead I could have a really close guy friend I could do things with but most men are married and most men are slaves to their wives.
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KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
You are not quite there yet. I am at that point. I am almost 50 years old it is not going to happen for me. And I understand what you mean about certain people being slave to their wives I lost a friendship a while back due to that same reason. This guy was a hunting companion and a close friend when he was single and living nearby after he married another woman from the one that he was dating in the neighborhood total change like night and day I only saw him one time and we went out somewhere to eat and then he got upset because I would not just pay for the bill I would not give him extra gas money for the ride home after that we never spoke again and from what I am hearing he is constantly working for her and her family on their Farm as well as holding down his job as a deputy. Lastly I don't have any friends not really that I physically hang out with on a regular basis anymore either after I went to prison once I came home everyone smiled in my face until I moved 20 miles away and suddenly most people want to act like I am irrelevant. Welcome to my world
Kaetana · 56-60, F
It’s very natural for a man in his 30’s to have a best friend in his wife, it’s why most of your friends are married,
I’m quite sure why you believe you’re too old for the same.
I’m much older than you and from what I’ve seen the 30 something bachelors of my younger years are living sad lives which began to quite suddenly go down hill from 50ish.

Pls don’t make that mistake, don’t throw the towel in start a new hobby where you’ll likely mean single women as well ? Cooking classes are popular.
Get out there and enjoy new companionship
Church functions are also welcoming .
Find out what’s happening locally via your neighbourhood app. Have fun , God bless take care
Gibbon · 70-79, M
Read my profile. All of it including about me and you won't get as ticked as you might with what I'm about to say.

I took interest to read your post because the title led me to believe it was by someone in my situation.
No it's someone who IS NOT old playing self pity.
I was 57 when the best relationship in my life began. And now I'm very much alone and so sedentary, admittedly my own doing from grief, I have no desire to go out.

Your life is far from over. Stop acting like it.
GermanAf · 26-30, M
Ah mate, my dad met my mom when he was 40 and had me when he was 50!

Now to be honest, i ain't no good son or anything but im still family! Don't give up hope mate

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