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how do i know if the people i'm talking to are my age? and how do i find people my age?

i just want to make online friends, talk to people, and socialize. i understand that there are older people that want to talk, as well, but i just don't think it's safe to do so
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
This comment has received a Note or Correction by the SimilarWorlds staff.
Minors on SW do currently see posts from other Minor-aged users, in priority.

(Which is of the many reasons why we do not have a 100% Time-sorted feed, as that leads to inappropriate results to many.)

At this moment, the first 10 posts in the OP user's feed, are all from other minor-aged users (<18).

The majority of their feed displays younger aged users (<25).

This is the same for all minors on this site.

SimilarWorlds actually has more safeguards in place for Minors, than most other social networks.

The effectiveness of our safety measures can however be impacted, when minors select the wrong (Adult) age on their profile.
@Andrew @Nuno is there a way for underage profiles to mainly see content from people their age?
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@Nuno @Andrew thank you, that's good to know!
You won't know. There's no sort of verification here.

There has been, at times, a fair amount of catfishing going on here. Usually it's people pretending to be 18-21 F and "borrowing" photos of some attractive woman from some other website.

But someone could create a new account to catfish you. Or you could be a catfish. There is no certainty.

I think depending solely on the online world for friends and socialization isn't a great idea. But you can socialize to some extent here. On here it's probably best to stick to harmless topics like music and movies and favorite kinds of food.
selene16 · 16-17, F
@ElwoodBlues thank you! i'll keep that in mind
IsaacDeSnuts · 22-25, M
You cannot, the only way i think is a tad bit safer is if you ask them for instagram or facebook, even then you cannot be entirely sure.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
As long as you talk on a surface level you can talk to those who has set your age and hopefully you talk to someone genuine who is honest with their age. Just never send photos of yourself or any adress, phone number etc info.
You can't ever really know, cause you know, people lie. They can set their age to whatever.
selene16 · 16-17, F
Repete · 61-69, M
I’m not sure if you can be 100% sure. You are young so you need to be very careful anywhere on line . You are old enough ( I hope) to be very cautious and not to give out personal things you don’t want the whole world to know.

That being said, I hope you find the friends you want and be safe doing it.
selene16 · 16-17, F
@Repete thank you! i am old enough but i think i'm a little too trusting at times. it's kind of stupid, but i still somehow believe that there's good in people and my mind tells me that maybe they're different. i'm not dumb enough to give people personal information, though. but this is still the internet, i don't know what someone is capable of until it's too late
i appreciate the concern, though. i'll try my best! i'd still love to meet friends here
Repete · 61-69, M
Good luck, I mean that in a good way and stay safe.@selene16
selene16 · 16-17, F
@Repete thank you very much! i will try my best
Imsleepy · 31-35
There is no real way to know, especially on sites like this. You’re correct, though. It isn’t wise to associate with people much older than you at your age. There are far too many creeps, especially here. I’m not on here that often anymore, but I’m pretty sure there aren’t many people your age. Good luck, though. Make sure to report all the weirdos.
selene16 · 16-17, F
@Imsleepy thank you! i will. i'm just hoping to meet people and maybe talk to them to pass time. i'll still try to be smart with what i share with them
and yes, i make it a goal to report people that are asking personal questions or just making weird conversations. hopefully the people running this website won't get tired of seeing me report stuff, lol
Only way is to get them to verify. As the prrson to send you a photo of them. It has to have the current date and their name and a greeting that you ask for. Like Hi. Chad here. I eat apples. And the current date. Try that.
Fishy · 36-40, F
A lot of people lie about their age on here (or the internet in general)

So you need to be very careful
Mandygirl1400a · 16-17, F
I'm new here to. I'm 14 and also would like to make some on line friends. My name is Mandy.
A lot have their ages listed
Repete · 61-69, M
Yes but their ages are not always correct nor is other things they may say or post.@SW-User
@Repete agreed
It's safe as long as you don't give out any personal information.
Don't let anyone talk you into sending photos, no matter what

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