exexec · 70-79, C
Does that mean I can't call my golfing buddy "Alice" the next time he leaves a putt short?
PinkPunk · F
hmm.. real friends can make fun of each other and noone gets hurt

Real friends stick by each other through thick and thin and forgive each other
smiler2012 · 61-69
@SW-User very true
Meatboy · 18-21, M
Friends do make fun of eachother, it's just messing around. You should know they don't mean anything by it
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smiler2012 · 61-69
it depends if you cannot define the difference between a bit of harmless ribbing and what is taken as a personal slight [danielle]
Strictgram · 70-79, C
Danielle, Been waiting to hear from you, please write.

They do, true friends have real banter
Daneille · 41-45, F
@SW-User maybe
notsure · 56-60, M
No they don't they give an honest informed opinion

Oh they do, so but That’s because they know everything embarrassing each other ..
Daneille · 41-45, F
@SW-User maybe
TexasOutlawTrey · M
Story of my life
SpaceJesus · 41-45
Sure they do. Only to each other's face. Not behind each other's back
Chocolatemilk · 18-21, F
Your freinds are boring