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It happend... i met the dumbest person on the planet...

during lunchbreak my co student picks up a drink, strawberry milk. i ask her if she is no longer vegan cause she made a big deal about that...
and she said its ok... thats not real milk, its strawberry milk.

me and the other were looking at each other thinking she made a joke... but no... this girl seriously thought strawberry milk is made from strawberries
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At least she didn’t think strawberry milk cows were pink.
@bowman81 Sorry. 😂😂
lasergraph · 70-79, M
@Mamapolo2016 They keep the strawberry milk cows in the barn because they sunburn easy.
@lasergraph I’m sure they do! 😂
thisguy20 · 41-45, M
Considering "almond milk" is made from almonds, "soy milk" is made from soy, "coconut milk" is made from coconuts, "rice milk" is made from rice, etc.; there is a logic to that obviously incorrect statement.
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
I had a coworker once who thought beefsteak tomatos had beef in them.
Ferric67 · M
This made me chuckle

And yes, strawberries are an ingredient (hopefully) in her special drink...albeit, not the only one
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@Ferric67 I wonder whether she drinks chocolate milk.
You would be surprised at how many young people dont know that fruits and nuts grow on vines and trees.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@NoThanksLeon produce and meat magically shows up at supermarket
I know some vegans that drive around in expensive cars with leather seats. The mind boggles.
666Maggotz · F
@DA198 I’m a vegetarian and purchased second hand fur coats before. Textile waste is a huge problem, they were cheap and its better to wear it than have it go in a landfill. Maybe the car was second hand? Waste reduction is a big thing for me. That’s why I’m fine with even my food being cooked on the same grills as meat because my philosophy is based on reducing damage.
@666Maggotz Sensible attitude, I like that :)
DogMan · 61-69, M
@DA198 This will always be a problem with idealistic people. It's like the people
that protest oil. They do the same type stuff.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I suppose she avoids horseradish, however!
Osogris · 56-60, M
I think you should have to take a test before you vote
Wallflow3r · 26-30, F
It’s milk from a strawberry just like milk from an almond geeez 🙄
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
She is craving complete protein and making excuses by saying that. I think she probably knows better.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
There's fish scales in lip gloss, animal hooves in nail polish, sheep fat in hand lotion, ground up animal bones in multivitamins and lots of other animal related by products i n.v other things.

Vegans are virtue posers far as I can tell.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@SteelHands It is possible to buy vegan versions of those things.

And if vegans aren't being 100% vegan, they're doing the best they can. Vegans don't hurt me in any way, they have never "scolded" me, and I get along with them just fine.

I find them sincere and not posing in any way.
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SteelHands · 61-69, M
@DrWatson perhaps they do offer products labeled that way but cosmetics companies themselves stand on a foundation of the use of animals for product safety and development for decades long before they became by mid 20th century standard female acoutrements.

Along with their remeniscing through or modernization naming conventions to aim at or service the nutrient aspects along specific age groups. I can envision someone at least considering a label alteration at the very least.

Proprietary patented secret chemical formulas, you know, cannot always be divulged to the general public.

It's doubtful anyway that there would actually be a cosmetic company so blindly unaware of the poor cost to benefit ratio that such substantial resources squandered on dermatological and product safety, to say nothing of already established product reliability and quality testing per price point ; just to capture a puny fraction of the vanity vegan cosmetics and self care sector.

For the previous reasons it's probably a risk to assume that multibillion dollar objections require verification with expensive lab tests. It's never been my experience that doggo's or even a little bunny's condition can stand in the way of a womans choices regarding things they use to present themselves physically. Even if they "fudge the numbers" when presenting their conscienciousness and goody-ness of better than thee.

To summarize: Animal diets are healthy. Vegans eat food that food eats. Any claim that it helps the environment is pure cartoon. Any claim that it's for the poor critters is conditional at best.

And if one invited me to a 50,000 dollar a plate vegan gala to meet the world's most beautiful and royal models, I would decline.

Because vegans, they tend to grate on everyone's nerves.
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Piper · 61-69, F
Seems logical, in a way, if she didn't look closely at the package. Coconut is a fruit too, after all.
legodood · M
🍓🥛 least she's not your roommate, jaja? lollll
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@legodood haha had a neighbor who was German and his little boy from the time he was a toddler would babble on talking to himself when he was staying with us and playing sometimes…and then he would say Dummkopf. 😂
Kiesel · 56-60, M
Well, to her defense…lol
Who would have ever thought we’d have almond and oat milk?
Iwillwait · M
.. like Oat milk, Almond milk. Lol!
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Kinda funny how vegans cant wait to lecture you about it
Philth · 46-50, M
My understanding is that to be a vegan, your acts must result in no harm to animals.
Could someone tell all the vegans with human lifestyle accessories (sorry, I meant free roaming cats) who turn a blind eye to the absolutely needless torture their pets inflict upon numerous protected species?
It must be an epidemic

BLP11520 · 61-69, M
DogMan · 61-69, M
I wouldn't cap on people like that too much. You have a long life
ahead of you to make similar mistakes. Hopefully you are not one
of the Gen Z kids that already thinks they know everything about
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
I mean...I thought packaged flavoured milk isn't real anyway, that it's just a whitener. I'm sure they can't produce real milk on such a massive scale.
in10RjFox · M
And she doesn't know every Vegan food , has the Vegan mark in the package ? and does not know to check the ingredients ? 😀😀
GunFinger · F
Wut the freeek?!
Well it takes all kinds…. *Twilight Zone music* 😂
tamguy · M
Ask her what did she smoke the previous day.We might need that information.
SpicyMilk · 18-21, F
well i am definitely not vegan
Convivial · 26-30, F
Not much competition there lol
She's vegan.. so this makes sense
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Oh, dear…🤦🏻

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